View Full Version : U dont have to go to 'bama for loud ass firecrackers

07-05-2005, 01:44 AM
Yeah I know this is dangerous and shit... but its just as fun as it is dangerous. And if you do it right its not that bad.
Ok as you all know, georgia sells those shitty ass fireworks... A couple of friends and I found a way to make some super-loud ass bangers this 4th.

Ok so its the 5th now... all of ur leftover shitty fireworks ... or maybe the ones that go on sale for half off and shit... get 'em.

Get the shitty ones you dont want... and cut 'em open (in the middle)
Get all the white powder out... try your hardest not to get the black shit(thats the shit that makes the sparks)... also try not to get the brown shit...that keeps the ends sealed... get all of the white and light toned silver powders from the centers... Save the fuses
Next, Place it in some paper and hammer it a little... so its fine. All you need is like a teaspoon or 2. (one big one would have enough for like 5 or 6 super-firecrackers)

Next... get an empty 20 oz coke bottle or water bottle. (plastic) Empty the fuck outta it... dry it.. .(not a single drop inside)...
Take the cap.... hammer the middle of it with the nail and place the fuse inside so half of it's length is inside and half is outside. Pour the powder into the bottle and cap it Tightly... shake it like fuck so theres misty powder inside

Light that bitch and RUNNNNN..... shits are so loud they shake the ground... they are just as loud as those expensive m100s.

Hope everyone else had a good 4th.

07-05-2005, 01:59 AM
ha ha ha....i mihgt have to try this!!! im not gonna clean the shit up the...ill leave that to the ppl who wanted to watch

07-05-2005, 08:03 AM
where can you get these fireworks at? The walmart by me doesnt carry fireworks.

07-05-2005, 09:43 AM
Next, Place it in some paper and hammer it a little... so its fine.

This is the part that scares me a little. You wanna HAMMER gun powder with a regular hammer??? That's a little risky aint it????

07-05-2005, 09:50 AM
lol...yeah i was thinkin that too!!!

No fireworks in your area? suxs the Kroger has them at my house...

07-05-2005, 01:12 PM
This is the part that scares me a little. You wanna HAMMER gun powder with a regular hammer??? That's a little risky aint it????
lol what you mean... this idea is all ghetto brewed... we used a regular heavy metal hammer and it worked just fine... we didnt POUND the shit out of it, but we hit it pretty hard multiple times (while it was folded in the paper so the powder wouldnt fly away)
nothing happened...

oh yeah, remember that it was only like a teaspoon or two of white powder

07-05-2005, 02:12 PM
I'd suggest using a copper hammer if anything... throw a spark and you'll have the end of that hammer in your brain.

07-05-2005, 02:36 PM
lol...yeah i was thinkin that too!!!

No fireworks in your area? suxs the Kroger has them at my house...

Damn, the only place i have seen is this shady looking used car dealership.....and i really dont wanna get mugged/shot.

07-05-2005, 08:15 PM
Hassan youre a retard,not cuz of what you did but cuz you didn't wait for me lol