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View Full Version : rotary and heat?

05-26-2007, 01:51 AM
i have a quick question ok my 1987 RX7 keeps over heating when i have Fun in it redlineing the gears now i think my therostat is broken because in the morning some times it takes a while to heat up now here is my ? would it hurt my car if i took out the theorostat (spelled it wrong again) and had the coolant flowing all the time the only down side i could think would happen is that i will cause damage when i start it up and run it cus it will still be cold so a little advice please:bannana:

05-26-2007, 02:04 AM
u can pull the thermo out. It will run cooler. (more free flowing). Also while your at it check to make sure u dont have a blown coolant seal!! lol

05-26-2007, 06:17 AM
If you are over heating (going into the red), check your compression first. You can easily warp an aluminum housing by overheating the car.

Also, if the compression is good, get a better radiator. Your's might be a little clogged.

05-26-2007, 07:16 AM
could also be a clogged oil cooler, bad thermalpellet it could be a whole list of things... please just spend ten bucks and get a new thermostat and high temp sealant to put it back together again... that would be the simple and cheapest fix, be that the problem..

05-28-2007, 06:57 AM
ok i will check my compression again an look at a new radiator cus the car is 21 years old hell i just changed out the OEM spark plug wires friday

05-30-2007, 06:41 PM
ok heres an up date on what i did i pulled the radiator and flushed the shit out of it but it was not clogged at all i mean it was very free flowing so i put it back and then checked the hoses and compression an both where good :goodjob: then i went to the heart of the problem the thermostat i had got a new one but when the guy at the parts place asked me what temp i want i saw a chance to make this into a fun little project ok my options at the store where 160,170,180,190 degrees so i went with the 170 while in the back of my mind knowing i was going to take it back i went home wit it and put it in and filled her up wit fresh coolant and drove it to see how it would do an as it began to warm up the temp only moved 1/4 an stayed their after i pulled over and check the coolant level and hose firmness i really got in to it:goodjob: and it pulls more form 3 grand to redline even in fourth gear :bump: an when i would redline it it only rises the temp to half way so i go bakc home and do some homework on this and discover that the FC3S has coolant line that run thru the intake and a popular mod it to tap off these lines to lower intake charge :bump: so i think that is why i gained a little power but the down side as with blocking off the coolant lines is that between 1 grand and 2 grand you loose power form the heated intake charge. so i guess it is true you learn some thing new every day tahnks for you help guys:goodjob: