View Full Version : Computer Help (Reps for assistance)

05-15-2007, 05:04 PM
My story in a nutshell: Im pretty good with computers, Ive rebuilt mine many times, gotten ride of hundreds of virus's and worms. Ive set up wireless networks and business networks. Blah Blah blah.

However my mouse has ranom fuck ups and randomly scrolls to the top of the screen every 10 seconds. Im trying to finish a report and it keeps moving my cursor to the top of the page.

Any ideas? WTF is going on?

05-15-2007, 05:22 PM
bad mouse?:thinking: is it a laser light mouse? do you have it on a mouse pad? Mine on ly laptop used to do that, turns out it was a faulty touch pad

05-15-2007, 05:24 PM
Its a real nice microsoft brand optical mouse. Damn thing ran me alot of cash when I bought it like 6 months ago. No I dont use a pad, I cant with my desk. However that has never been an issue.

05-15-2007, 05:29 PM
i would think that the optics in the mouse are going bad...i had that same issue a little while ago where my mouse would just randomly shoot across the screen. i replaced mine with the new laser mouse and haven't had the problem again...hope this helps some

05-15-2007, 05:32 PM
mine did the same thing on my current comp with an optical mouse...try to slap some sort of pad down, that should do the trick....even if its a small pad...the groves in my desk were causing all the trouble.

05-15-2007, 05:36 PM
i cant really help, but i can recommend the logitech g5

05-15-2007, 05:38 PM
I could see how its the grooves in my desk. It is wood.

05-15-2007, 05:40 PM
sorry man but i think part of your issue is what you said.. which doesnt exist

"Its a real nice microsoft brand optical mouse". Again no such thing exists. Ive tried many many microsoft mouse's over the years due to different projects and works i do. All of them garbage. My last attempt at giving them a shot was i purchased their laser 6000 wireless mouse for 60 bucks.. The thing stopped working in 3 days and even for those 3 days worked on and off. Their all garbage..

A really good work mouse I would suggest the logitech mx 1000. very comfortable and holds a long charge. If your a gamer, the g7 if you want wirelss or g5 if you want wired.

I used to have similar issues btw and it turned out to be the mouse for me. Either the transmission or the reception isnt working well and so its basically picking up garbage signals.

05-15-2007, 05:49 PM
Gotcha. I have a wireless mouse with the keyboard but I play CS 1.6 and wireless doesnt work.

05-15-2007, 05:57 PM
please dont say wireless doesnt work for FPS gaming.. ive kicked alot of ass using wireless mice. currently i use the g7 mouse and it works great. There is a "slight" delay but no more than your latency is anyhow. so it doesnt matter in the end. Also i just hate how a wired mouse tugs.

05-15-2007, 06:08 PM
Ill deal with the tug so my shit doesnt lag. All I play is Scout Knives and with 11 bullets youve got to have your mouse workin for you.

05-15-2007, 06:21 PM
man i swear people keep bringing up lag but u cant notice it..

its like the person saying man i can tell the diff between 50fps and 40.. sorry u can't.

due to latency issues with server to client.. the mouse lag doesn't make a difference. Which is negligible to begin with.

The Ninja
05-15-2007, 06:22 PM
Sounds like spyware/malware to me. Run some decent anti-spyware software.

05-15-2007, 06:29 PM
btw im not just blabbing on about the lag not really existing anymore. If you just go to google and do a search for something like wireless gaming mouse lag or something similar you'll find tons of sites that state like the quote "The best wireless gaming mice on the market even avoid lag problems completely". People are still stuck on the past where the old old wireless mice coming out in 1996 lagged. That hasnt been the case for a few years now.

But like i said if you want wired, get the g5, if you want wireless get the g7. u wont see lag either way. The g5 is nice cus it has a customizable weight system to adjust the weight of the mouse to where you like it. but the g7 is wireless which i like alot more. you get about 7 hours average of straight use out of one battery on the g7. and it comes with 2 batteries so you can just switch and charge. and yes a battery will recharge in alot shorter time than the other will run out.

05-15-2007, 06:35 PM
lol just read on another site.. good point actually..

if you tend to get angry over gaming etc..

a wireless mouse is more likely to become your projectile of choice..
but a wired mouse is more than likely to take your entire pc with it.

05-15-2007, 06:57 PM
a wireless mouse is more likely to become your projectile of choice..
but a wired mouse is more than likely to take your entire pc with it.

05-16-2007, 12:48 AM
man i swear people keep bringing up lag but u cant notice it..

its like the person saying man i can tell the diff between 50fps and 40.. sorry u can't.

due to latency issues with server to client.. the mouse lag doesn't make a difference. Which is negligible to begin with.

I stopped gaming on a wireless mouse due to lag between the mouse and the receiver, not in game lag. I used to play Unreal alot and to translocate you left click to throw it and and right click to teleport. Well when I would translocate multiple times to get somewhere really high the receiver would confuse the left and right clicks and read them as being pressed at the same time (pressing both simultaneously switches to your primary weapon) and I would die. Went back to a wired mouse and never had a problem with it again.

05-16-2007, 10:17 AM
I stopped gaming on a wireless mouse due to lag between the mouse and the receiver, not in game lag. I used to play Unreal alot and to translocate you left click to throw it and and right click to teleport. Well when I would translocate multiple times to get somewhere really high the receiver would confuse the left and right clicks and read them as being pressed at the same time (pressing both simultaneously switches to your primary weapon) and I would die. Went back to a wired mouse and never had a problem with it again.

again how old was your mouse and which was it?
i havnt had any issues with my g7. if i pull out my 97 wireless mouse im sure i will as i remember having issues in TF

05-16-2007, 01:40 PM
again how old was your mouse and which was it?
i havnt had any issues with my g7. if i pull out my 97 wireless mouse im sure i will as i remember having issues in TF

The mouse was new and it was an MS Intellimouse. This was a few years back. Like I said I didnt have in game lag, the receiver would just read my seperate clicks as a simultaneous click and perform the wrong action if I pressed the buttons too fast. I use a G5 now prior to that I had an MX518

05-16-2007, 01:53 PM
Ya I Have A Laser Mouse And It Did The Same Thing Cuz I Didnt Have A Mouse Pad. So I Put Paper Under It LOL.

05-16-2007, 01:56 PM
Sounds about right man :goodjob:

i would think that the optics in the mouse are going bad...i had that same issue a little while ago where my mouse would just randomly shoot across the screen. i replaced mine with the new laser mouse and haven't had the problem again...hope this helps some

05-16-2007, 08:47 PM
g7 ftw. play wow, cs:s, 1.6(cal-m) UT:03-05 and random other shiznitz.

no lag from mouse to receiver at all.
my thought: don't buy microshit mice. they break.