View Full Version : Verizon = Bitches

05-14-2007, 06:16 PM
I officially hate them :cry:

I got a $500 phone bill because of a mistake they made. I switched phone numbers with my dad and they said that the plan was going to switch along with it, and it didnt. So now they expect me to pay because I was txting away on a plan that DIDNT have txt. OMFG.

05-14-2007, 06:23 PM
Fuckin sucks for you.

05-14-2007, 06:24 PM
I know. I suck at life.

The Youngn
05-14-2007, 06:24 PM
Call and complain about the whole deal then talk about switching to another service provider....that usually gets to them

05-14-2007, 06:26 PM
Well I've been on the phone ALL day with them and I flat out said that I wasnt paying the bill, and they dont seem to care. They still insist its my fault. Oh well, what are you gonna do? Lol

05-14-2007, 06:27 PM
Cingular FTW!! GSM phones FTW!!! :)

05-14-2007, 06:39 PM
im willing to bet, it was your fault.

Everytime I hear people complain about cellphone companies is mostly the customers fault.

I have cingular, never no problems.
My GF has Verizon, never no problems.

I bet you text your life away hahahahahha

05-14-2007, 06:52 PM
im willing to bet, it was your fault.

Everytime I hear people complain about cellphone companies is mostly the customers fault.

I have cingular, never no problems.
My GF has Verizon, never no problems.

I bet you text your life away hahahahahha


Finally, a customer that understands that most of the shit that goes "wrong" is their fault. Just about every major wireless carrier is the same. With the exception of the small local ones, such as metro pcs. I have people come in saying that Cingular's service has gone down ever since they took the AT&T name :thinking: That's funny b/c there was no change in service, it was only a major name change :slap: As long as your not constantly traveling and all that stuff, the 4 major wireless providers are pretty evenly matched.

05-14-2007, 06:56 PM
What I really don't understand is when parents get their kids the lowest text messaging plan, knowing damn well their children are going to use waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over 400 texts. For every 69 text you go over, that's already $10 in overages. People cheap out a few bucks, just so they can save $120/year?? And then their kids come home with $60-$120 in overages from text a month :lmfao: If you would had unlimited texting from the beginning, you wouldn't of seen these overage charges. That money you pay in overages each month, could of been applied to your monthly bill in small increments so that you don't have that problem ;)

05-14-2007, 07:03 PM
That sucks my mom went through something like that with our plan with Sprint. She stayed her ground and won in the end. She also got a shit load of stuff for the inconvenience and being a 6+ year member.

05-14-2007, 07:06 PM
im willing to bet, it was your fault.

Everytime I hear people complain about cellphone companies is mostly the customers fault.

I have cingular, never no problems.
My GF has Verizon, never no problems.

I bet you text your life away hahahahahhanah man

i have t mobile and they do try pulling a slick one on you every once in a while

i pay the extra 30 bux for an extra thousand minutes just in case so I NEVER EVER EVER go over (i'd rather pay an extra 30 bux a month, than get hit with a 600$ overage (happened once) )

so yeah i have unlimited messaging, a shitload of minutes, free mobile to mobile and what not right
basically my bill is supposed to be EXACTLY the same every month

so every few months they try to pull bullshit overages right

i just call in, tell them to review it ... .they say "well it seems we have some computer problems and it wasn't calculating your mobile to mobile calls as free... etc etc" so they fixed it... this even happened 3 months in a row when i just called in and they fixed it... had i not called in they woulda jacked me for what? like 20-50 bux each of those times... Had I not been watching my bill closely or been on that autopayment shit I woulda never known (i'm sure they sucker some ppl like that too) ... I mean its fuckin 2007, how the hell are you going to have technical difficulties on shit like that? What are they running Windows ME? C'mon especially a company that grosses as much as them... I think teh whole technical difficulty shit is a scam, it was intentional.

05-14-2007, 07:07 PM
What I really don't understand is when parents get their kids the lowest text messaging plan, knowing damn well their children are going to use waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over 400 texts. For every 69 text you go over, that's already $10 in overages. People cheap out a few bucks, just so they can save $120/year?? And then their kids come home with $60-$120 in overages from text a month :lmfao: If you would had unlimited texting from the beginning, you wouldn't of seen these overage charges. That money you pay in overages each month, could of been applied to your monthly bill in small increments so that you don't have that problem ;)cingular / att doesn't offer unlimited text.... (well at least not when i worked with them 2 months ago)

05-14-2007, 07:12 PM
lol... I've started using a cellphone back in 97 with bellsouth then they switched to at&t then cingular and now at&t again...

and Guess what, NO PROBLEMS.. NOT ONE TIME. I have 3 phones with cingular NONE of them, no issues. I know what I have exactly on my bill every month.

I dont now.. I dont work in cellphone companies.. but I bet 9 out of 10 customers complaints are BS

05-14-2007, 07:13 PM
*sends jenna 180378 text messages*


05-14-2007, 07:38 PM
Actually, when I called to have the two numbers switched, they guy I talked to confirmed everything with me, and I even asked him to make sure that my number matched my plan. Then when I called to complain today about the bill someone was like "he didnt do it right" and yet someone else was like "you cant even do that." So to be honest, it seems like every employee at Verizon tells me something different.
I would admit if it was my mistake and I would pay the bill, but I added everything up and if they had switched the plan correctly into my name, I wouldnt owe anything extra.

*Anyhow, I upgraded everything so that I dont have to worry about it anymore =)

05-14-2007, 07:38 PM
*sends jenna 180378 text messages*


Only to people who deserve them :D

Evil Goat
05-14-2007, 08:06 PM
verizon ftl....been with them since they were called cellular one down here, they bought that company out and been with them ever since 98-99'ish, other than a 1yr stint w/ cingular...my wifes contract is up in june and mines been up for a while now...needless to say we're switching now that cingular has the gps capabilities similar to verizons

05-14-2007, 09:26 PM
Yeah. The good thing is, now that I bitched enough, they canceled my plan, for free, then signed me up for a new one, and upgraded. Everything is cool now.

But I still have to pay $500.........Ehh maybe

05-14-2007, 09:28 PM
fuk VERIZON! cingular is where its @!

05-14-2007, 09:33 PM
Other than that fiasco, Verizon has been alright as far as where the phones work and what not. But I dont know if I will renew a contract....

05-14-2007, 09:46 PM
you just have to bitch, they do fuck up a lot, cingular fucking sent me a new phone as an upgrade and when we got that shit complete, the fuckers had it set to disable my sim card of 5 years, so i had to take it down and have everything copied over, LAME.

verizon is lame, i remember when it was airtouch, good lord. GSM>CDMA

05-14-2007, 09:47 PM
It seems like everyone fucks everything up. Cell phones are a hassle.