View Full Version : Misc Questions for anyone who plays MMORPGs

05-06-2007, 09:14 PM
Me and a buddy of mine are working on an MMORPG called "Battle for Rome"

The question I have is simply to thoes who enjoy playing what is it about the games you like and what are they missing. We are also going to be looking for help soon. Attached is a link to a site we have posted alot of info on the game. Anyway let me know what you want to see in an MMO.


05-06-2007, 10:49 PM
i would like to not have to pay.
or just less then wow.

05-06-2007, 10:54 PM
my question for people who play MMORPG's is: When was the last time you got laid?

05-06-2007, 11:00 PM
my question for people who play MMORPG's is: When was the last time you got laid?

Ha ha ha ha Chris plays them and he gets laid lol, but thats just one player

05-06-2007, 11:02 PM
Ha ha ha ha Chris plays them and he gets laid lol, but thats just one player
theres always the exception to the rule

05-07-2007, 08:59 AM
I dont like MMOs for a couple of reasons

A- I dont like having to pay a subscription (yes I know about Guild Wars)

B- I dont like not having total control over my character in battle. Every MMO that I tried is the same you tell your guy to attack and then he just runs straight at the object and starts hacking away at it. No dodging, no strafing, nothing. Basically no defense, the decision whether you get hit or not is made for you, you have no control over it.

I like FPS because I have control over how I want to attack and defend. If you had the option to change from RPG to FPS during battle, I would probably be interested more than I am now.

05-07-2007, 10:17 AM
I dont like MMOs for a couple of reasons

A- I dont like having to pay a subscription (yes I know about Guild Wars)

B- I dont like not having total control over my character in battle. Every MMO that I tried is the same you tell your guy to attack and then he just runs straight at the object and starts hacking away at it. No dodging, no strafing, nothing. Basically no defense, the decision whether you get hit or not is made for you, you have no control over it.

I like FPS because I have control over how I want to attack and defend. If you had the option to change from RPG to FPS during battle, I would probably be interested more than I am now.

we are actually working on a new battle system to make it more like a FPS as we figured it would draw from a larger crowd. We are not sure if it would be a pay to play or not that depends on what the publisher we are talking to wants. So far one of the coolest ideas (to us anyway) that we have come up with is the way your charactor devolops. At creation you basicly pick a male/female than size and a face. There are both "Good" and "Evil" charactors but your faction is determined by game play. There are two seprate story lines for the player to follow if they choose to play down the story line. You actions in the game define who and what your charactor becomes. If you choose to take a quest that say has you go kill some neighabors live stock than you would recieve "Evil" points kind of like Fable. The kind of combat skills you have depend on the weapon/weapons you as a player choose to use. So a player useing a one handed weapon will learn skills based on that weapon. If you later choose to pick up a Bow you will learn a new set of skills based on the Bow. The same will apply for magic depending on the elemant type you will learn more of the same or if you choose to use many differant types it may open up a completely new set of skills for you to use.

But yes we are looking to do something with the combat system the hard part of making it more like a FPS is the AI and how to properly ballance it so its not too hard or easy at any point in the game.

05-07-2007, 10:31 AM
very cool, where is the best place to post ideas is there an internal forum or should we just use IA? I would prefer not to to be honest.. I have played MMO's for years and there are alot of things I like and dislike about them.. depending on which one you are talking about... anyhow just let me know.

05-07-2007, 10:31 AM
my question for people who play MMORPG's is: When was the last time you got laid?

Yesterday. :)

05-07-2007, 10:35 AM
very cool, where is the best place to post ideas is there an internal forum or should we just use IA? I would prefer not to to be honest.. I have played MMO's for years and there are alot of things I like and dislike about them.. depending on which one you are talking about... anyhow just let me know.

You can post here - Opps ok link is fixed

We welsome ALL feed back we want the good and bad. And What you liked and didnt like about past MMOs you have played

05-07-2007, 10:41 AM
we are actually working on a new battle system to make it more like a FPS as we figured it would draw from a larger crowd. We are not sure if it would be a pay to play or not that depends on what the publisher we are talking to wants. So far one of the coolest ideas (to us anyway) that we have come up with is the way your charactor devolops. At creation you basicly pick a male/female than size and a face. There are both "Good" and "Evil" charactors but your faction is determined by game play. There are two seprate story lines for the player to follow if they choose to play down the story line. You actions in the game define who and what your charactor becomes. If you choose to take a quest that say has you go kill some neighabors live stock than you would recieve "Evil" points kind of like Fable. The kind of combat skills you have depend on the weapon/weapons you as a player choose to use. So a player useing a one handed weapon will learn skills based on that weapon. If you later choose to pick up a Bow you will learn a new set of skills based on the Bow. The same will apply for magic depending on the elemant type you will learn more of the same or if you choose to use many differant types it may open up a completely new set of skills for you to use.

But yes we are looking to do something with the combat system the hard part of making it more like a FPS is the AI and how to properly ballance it so its not too hard or easy at any point in the game.

That all sounds very Fableish, which is great because it was one of my favorite games of all time... As long as you do a good job of balancing the way these weapons work and interact with other players in the end game (what is the end game btw?) Alot of games have a tendence to allow one side to become over powered based on which was the earlier devoleped side and which side the delvs/programers played.. having a good and evil side is pretty cool, however will there be good and evil on both the sides of the fight (romans and non)? I guess I will start blowing up the other message board, however... it is my suggestion to get an internal one up asap so others don't steal any good ideas that may come out of the conversations on the open message forum.

05-07-2007, 11:57 AM
yeah we started to get a full website up but now that we are talking to a publisher we are waiting to see if we land the deal with them. If we do they will get the website all set up but if not we will complete ours.

05-07-2007, 12:02 PM
give the players an option of being able to complete the game... then after that let them choose if they want to keep playing it.....

thats the single most thing I hate about mmo's.... theres no closure... you play the game for years, you pour your heart and soul into it... and then.... nothing.. you start playing the next mmo and you have gotten nothing out of the last one.

05-07-2007, 12:03 PM
That all sounds very Fableish, which is great because it was one of my favorite games of all time... As long as you do a good job of balancing the way these weapons work and interact with other players in the end game (what is the end game btw?) ....

We have two different lists of End game PvE Bosses as well as a third story line the player can move through in the PvP that will take place in an Arena style setting. We have put alot of thought in creating something like Battle Grounds in WoW only make it more than simply capture the flag and such. The few ideas I listed are only a small part of what we have already prepaired for the game. There are several others that you may have seen in past games as well as a few that have never to our knowledge been done before.

05-07-2007, 12:40 PM
We have two different lists of End game PvE Bosses as well as a third story line the player can move through in the PvP that will take place in an Arena style setting. We have put alot of thought in creating something like Battle Grounds in WoW only make it more than simply capture the flag and such. The few ideas I listed are only a small part of what we have already prepaired for the game. There are several others that you may have seen in past games as well as a few that have never to our knowledge been done before.

PVP is where it is at... I only play games so I can kill people. :yes: The battle grounds in WOW is why I stopped playing it, it sucks. The PVP in DAOC is great, that is why I kept playing it for years.. They have battle grounds that start from level 1... The battle grounds are great places to learn other elements of the game, each one implements another dimension of the final RVR(realm vs realm aka PVP) zone. Every 5-10 levels you are able to fight in a new BG. with people of similar skill sets and similar levels. That being said one of the main things that people like to do but are un able to do in any game I know of is have smaller scale fights in a fixed enviroment, for example a 1v1 ,3v3, 8v8 or whatever. WOW has no reward ( that I know of and things may have changed) for fighting and killing people, even if they are of the opposite faction. In DAOC you are able to obtain Realm Points ( points for "defending your realm") which allow you to purchase skills that are boths usefull in PVP and PVE. Anyhow I guess the point of all of that is that it would be nice to be able to fight people that are on the same side as you and still gain skill points of some sort... fighting in an arena or a similar setting where others can come and watch would be great.

05-07-2007, 03:52 PM
give the players an option of being able to complete the game... then after that let them choose if they want to keep playing it.....

thats the single most thing I hate about mmo's.... theres no closure... you play the game for years, you pour your heart and soul into it... and then.... nothing.. you start playing the next mmo and you have gotten nothing out of the last one.

Complete an MMO? :???: :screwy:

05-07-2007, 08:52 PM
The only MMO I have played is wow.

I really like the way wow plays and relates The PVP on wow is decent if you're on a PVP server. As with anything it sucks when someone 50 levels above you kills you--but that's life.

I wouldn't mind having the ability to "morph" your character into something else while the game is playing. Nothing sucks like rolling a character and then 40 levels latter realizing that hey--maybe I wanted to be something else. I think this could work if you had different class trainers. I have heard that guild wars is similar in this that you can be a warrior with "X" as your secondary character type build. Where X can be changed.

I always thought that was a great idea and gives you more to work with then the three talent spec trees that WOW gives you.

I could probably think of more if I really sat down and thought about it