View Full Version : Got $9000 to start something with

05-02-2007, 10:48 AM
I know it's not a lot but over the past year I have grown $500 into $9000 by resotoring and flipping motorcycles part time. I am looking to get into something a little bigger but will also provide a large return. I'm not afraid of hard work and personal sacrifice but I really can't go over this $9000. By the same token I could lose this $9000 and all that would happen is I would cry myself to sleep everynight. :D I have a pretty good background in media production (video, audio, web) and a decent amount of mechanical experience. Any ideas? Thanks

05-02-2007, 10:50 AM
photoshop and build custom motorcycles for ppl.

05-02-2007, 05:12 PM
Flip a house OR start a pet store in winder, that would be a cash cow since there arnt any for miles around.

05-05-2007, 11:52 PM
Flip a house OR start a pet store in winder, that would be a cash cow since there arnt any for miles around.

Haha, Winder.
As much as I hate the town, even though I went to high school there, you have a good point, although, it would take alot more than 9k to start a nice pet store.

05-06-2007, 08:12 PM
You cant start much with 9 K .. but is something..

I would invest the money in a high interest earning account for now and concentrate on school.

According to your profile you are 20.. in 30 years if you invest all that money right now.. you can have a nice chunk when you are 50

haha , or you can blow it all on strippers and shit... and have a great memories when you hit 50

which sounds better?

05-06-2007, 10:56 PM
I have to agree with Julio....

You already have a talent of turning $500 into $9k flipping bikes. I'd just keep doing the same thing. Maybe take some of the cash and buy a special tool that might help you fix up the bikes, or spend a little on a bike trailer. Invest in yourself. :goodjob:
Keep saving and by the time you're old like me, you'll have a nice roll of cash.

05-06-2007, 11:19 PM
Landscaping business... A few of my friends started them a few years ago with about $1000.00 and they make big money now... I would not spend all the money just enough to get started and put the rest in the bank... Its something you would want to start on a small scale and grow, maybe 2 or 3 days a week to start and as contracts build dedicate more and more time. The problem most "landscapers" run into is they don't treat it like a real business, it has to be. You have to get signed contracts and all... Alot of work, Alot of reward, Not alot of start up capital...

05-07-2007, 02:30 PM
buy a car and flip it you have to becareful though after you do some many you have to be license but you can take 8000 g's buy a car mark it up a grand or 500 and generate more money to help give you more money to start something with...just an idea

05-07-2007, 06:00 PM
i used to flip cars..
it all depends on how good you're at doing it too though.

but if you can fix and offer services for motorcycles, you must have some hands-on talent.

flipping cars is a good option, but i did this while i was attending school.. although i didnt make assloads of money, i did make around a grand or so every time.