View Full Version : LOLOL at recruiters

04-12-2007, 01:25 PM
So im sitting here at work and get ready to finish my lunch and 2 recruiters walk in and start questioning my owners son and stuff. So i come back after taking a huge dump and all of a sudden i hear "he already took the ASVAB, talk to him"

so they start on me and were like "what did you make on the ASVAB?" and i told them i didnt do to hot on it. Trying to be nice (out of respect for military personnel) i continue to just shoot the shit with them. Come to find out, we know about 5 people and were joking around and one of the recruiters called my old one apparently just to see if i was BSing him about already taking the test. My old recruiter (on speakerphone lol) goes "That smart sum bitch aced both fucking tests"lol. So after they figure that out theyre like "so why are you not in the military?" and i just BS'ed them...honestly, its cause my jobs too fucking cushy and 5k more a year to get my head blown away isnt a good deal..

So I know im not the only one who has problems telling recruiters you just arent intrested but whats a nice way to tell them to fuck off without being a dick and being disrespectful? I appreciate what they do for us and their sacrifices but thats not the life I want

04-12-2007, 01:26 PM
I hate recruiters.

04-12-2007, 01:32 PM
there is no right or wrong way to tell a recruiter "no"

I absolutely hate them. Used Car salesmen's the whole lot of them. Will tell you anything and everything to get you to sign.

I talk to pvt's all the time and some of the things they tell me about a recruiter promising them this and that, but nothing is in writing, so they get the shaft and don't get what they originally thought they signed for.

Some are okay, but I've met a few and just seen how they operate and it's kinda aggravating.

If you have no interest, never try and be nice and act the part, otherwise they will be on you like white on rice all the time...

for those of you considering joining, do your research first, find the mos you want, take the asvab, see if the job is available to you, and make sure everything you want is in writing, if not....walk...

04-12-2007, 01:41 PM
there is no right or wrong way to tell a recruiter "no"

I absolutely hate them. Used Car salesmen's the whole lot of them. Will tell you anything and everything to get you to sign.

I talk to pvt's all the time and some of the things they tell me about a recruiter promising them this and that, but nothing is in writing, so they get the shaft and don't get what they originally thought they signed for.

Some are okay, but I've met a few and just seen how they operate and it's kinda aggravating.

If you have no interest, never try and be nice and act the part, otherwise they will be on you like white on rice all the time...

for those of you considering joining, do your research first, find the mos you want, take the asvab, see if the job is available to you, and make sure everything you want is in writing, if not....walk...

thats the thing...im qualified to do ANYTHING military i want...the money is ok but not the terms...(8 years for guard PFFT:gay: )

I just am tired of them coming up and i cant just be like "no fuck you" then when they heard i aced the asvab and shit, they were in here forever it seemed like

Spectic Tank
04-12-2007, 02:13 PM
"I'm GAY"...those two words will end any conversation you will ever have with a recruiter:goodjob:

04-12-2007, 02:18 PM
"I'm GAY"...those two words will end any conversation you will ever have with a recruiter:goodjob:

LIRL we have a picture of a pink sprint phone on our front desk and they asked if anyone bought them and i was seriously going to tell them i had TWO of them lol:lmfao:

Spectic Tank
04-12-2007, 02:25 PM
LIRL we have a picture of a pink sprint phone on our front desk and they asked if anyone bought them and i was seriously going to tell them i had TWO of them lol:lmfao:

The convo usually goes like this:

Recruiter: "have you ever considered joining the military"

Me: "I'm gay"

Recruiter: "Ummm...(long pause)...do you have any friends that might be interested"

Me: "maybe, but they're also gay"

Recruiter: "Have a good day"

That was the last phone call I ever got form a recruiter.

04-12-2007, 02:28 PM
"I'm GAY"...those two words will end any conversation you will ever have with a recruiter:goodjob:
that works.

recruiters have the worst job in the military, theres no way around that. problem is you get these retards who question your manhood or patriotism or physical abilities or whatever. really turns people off. what surprises most people is that you can negotiate for what you want. as an example, the guard is offering more money not to join the rotc program here because joining rotc would mean staying in school another 2 years. rotc is offering to pay for my last year if i join their program. rotc has a better overall payout, cause there would be guard money too, but the cadets here are such fuck ups that i dont want my good name, and my dads good name, associated with this school. sorry to rant, but its a good example.

04-12-2007, 02:32 PM
"I'm GAY"...those two words will end any conversation you will ever have with a recruiter:goodjob:
that reminds me of stripes

Are either of you homosexuals?

You mean, like, flaming or...?

Well, it's a standard question
we have to ask.

No, we're not homosexual,
but we are willing to learn.

Yeah, would they send us
someplace special?

04-12-2007, 02:34 PM
"I have already completed my 8 years of service", is another good way to eand a conversation with a recruiter.

Spectic Tank
04-12-2007, 02:37 PM
"I have already completed my 8 years of service", is another good way to eand a conversation with a recruiter.

That still leaves room for a response. the "homo" tactic leaves them with nothing

04-12-2007, 05:43 PM
"I'm GAY"...those two words will end any conversation you will ever have with a recruiter:goodjob:

no it wont....do you actually know how many gays are in the military now?!! a fucking bunch!!

and besides, a recruiter's is to get you to just sign the dotted line, so they will tell you to not say anything about it....

it's not the worst job in the military either....everyone who is a recruiter picked that opening....and the worst job would be a quartermaster job....no offense to anyone who was, but I would not want to build showers/latrines/laundry...

04-12-2007, 08:09 PM
ha i had one call me almost everyday a while back.. and i was like dude no.. i am a only child....conversation\ lol even tho i have a half brother...:D but he has a different dad and different last name...

04-12-2007, 09:22 PM
only way I'd ever get recruited is if I'm guarateed to A) fly a plane, B) shoot a .50cal semiautomatic sniper rifle, or C) work in the unmanned/robotics section

04-12-2007, 09:53 PM
they are annoying.

04-13-2007, 12:01 AM
not hard to deal with if you dont show interest.

04-13-2007, 12:03 AM
the whole "gay" thing wont work because there is a "dont ask dont tell policy".pretty much means the military wont ask you wether you are straight or gay as long as you dont talk about it..theres really no good way out of having them hassle you..just be straight up with them, let them know you are not interested in joining, and that its pretty much a waste of time for them to try to convince you otherwise....

04-13-2007, 08:32 AM
only way I'd ever get recruited is if I'm guarateed to A) fly a plane, B) shoot a .50cal semiautomatic sniper rifle, or C) work in the unmanned/robotics section

you cant do all three...BUT there's good news for you....you can do two of the three options! EOD.....those crazy fuckers work in two man teams, with their specially equipped humvee, with 1 .50cal rifle, and 1 EOD robot....oh yeah, you carry special explosives too.

Spectic Tank
04-13-2007, 08:43 AM
the whole "gay" thing wont work because there is a "dont ask dont tell policy".pretty much means the military wont ask you wether you are straight or gay as long as you dont talk about it..theres really no good way out of having them hassle you..just be straight up with them, let them know you are not interested in joining, and that its pretty much a waste of time for them to try to convince you otherwise....

TRUST ME...it works!!! I know from experience. I used to get calls all the time and I would try to politely say "no". Those conversations where still like 20 min. They might have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy, but when you come out and say "I'm gay" the convo is over in about 15 sec. and I haven't recieved one phone call since.

I dont know about you, but it sounds like it worked to me.

04-13-2007, 08:46 AM
TRUST ME...it works!!! I know from experience. I used to get calls all the time and I would try to politely say "no". Those conversations where still like 20 min. They might have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy, but when you come out and say "I'm gay" the convo is over in about 15 sec. and I haven't recieved one phone call since.

I dont know about you, but it sounds like it worked to me.

you probably just had a lazy recruiter....you get one who is hard up for making their numbers, they will goto the bottom of the barrel from people making like 20 on their asvab, and getting gay guys to just keep quiet till after their training period.

I see this everyday, when stationed at Ft Gordon, there were plenty of soldiers who were at ait that were openly gay, and there was no way that basic or ait made them that way

Spectic Tank
04-13-2007, 08:46 AM
no it wont....do you actually know how many gays are in the military now?!! a fucking bunch!!

and besides, a recruiter's is to get you to just sign the dotted line, so they will tell you to not say anything about it....

it's not the worst job in the military either....everyone who is a recruiter picked that opening....and the worst job would be a quartermaster job....no offense to anyone who was, but I would not want to build showers/latrines/laundry...

Yes it did! There might be a ton of gays in the military, but I'm sure they didn't tell their recruiters that, and if they did I'm sure they keep it a secret.

Spectic Tank
04-13-2007, 08:49 AM
you probably just had a lazy recruiter....you get one who is hard up for making their numbers, they will goto the bottom of the barrel from people making like 20 on their asvab, and getting gay guys to just keep quiet till after their training period.

I see this everyday, when stationed at Ft Gordon, there were plenty of soldiers who were at ait that were openly gay, and there was no way that basic or ait made them that way

BOTTOM LINE: If you are openly admitting that you are gay, there is no way they will let you in the military. Maybe there are gays in the military, but they dont openly admit it.

04-13-2007, 08:55 AM
BOTTOM LINE: If you are openly admitting that you are gay, there is no way they will let you in the military. Maybe there are gays in the military, but they dont openly admit it.

No. When the Army recruiting numbers were at a all time low, they were taking EVERYONE. You can be kicked from the army at anytime for a dishonorable discharge, guys in their training period are quicker to get the boot....

a recruiters job is to get you to sign on the line, and they will do whatever they can to get you thru all the little loop holes

ds's job is to train you basic soldiering skills, not to determine if you are gay...they just look past it because they have another cycle once you are thru

wether people like to believe it or not, there are plenty of openly gays in the military and a recruiter who is good at recruiting will get you around that.

the only true way to get a recruiter off your back is telling them you contracted the hiv+ because MEPS doesnt screen gays, but they do do blood tests and the recruiter cant hide that.

Spectic Tank
04-13-2007, 08:58 AM
Ok, so gays can get in the military I never doubted that. I'm talking about personal experience. I told a recruiter I was gay and the phone calls stopped. If they are desperate I'm sure they would take anybody they can.

04-13-2007, 09:01 AM
Ok, so gays can get in the military I never doubted that. I'm talking about personal experience. I told a recruiter I was gay and the phone calls stopped. If they are desperate I'm sure they would take anybody they can.

I gotcha, I'm just saying that it wont always work....

I just know that a sure fire way is just to tell them you are hiv+, because they cant fix or hide blood tests

Spectic Tank
04-13-2007, 09:08 AM
I gotcha, I'm just saying that it wont always work....

I just know that a sure fire way is just to tell them you are hiv+, because they cant fix or hide blood tests

Nice, I'll use that one if they call back