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View Full Version : you gotta be kiddin me, this has been to worst freakin semester

04-08-2007, 09:08 PM
so over the weekend, my house got broken into..... of the things taken include...

about 30 dvd's
2 PS2's and about 6 games or so
1 xbox, and a few more games
1 xbox 360, 4 games, 2 controllers
4 digital cameras
and 1 19' flat screen monitor......

I am so f*cking pissed right now. and what sucks even more is we don't have renters insurance, so we are basically f*cked. anybody have any idea if we get renters insurance this week, if they will cover any of it? doubt it, but just figured id ask....... this has got to be the worst semester ever.

so far this semester, I've broken my ankle, my grandma died the next week, had to get a new car battery the next, messed up my other foot falling down the steps in my house the next week, now this. and my parents won't really be able to help me out with any of this bc they have been paying for a lawyer for my sis who is goin through a rough divorce, and payin for another lawyer bc the guy who my grandma married not even a year b4 she died is trying to take all of her estate, and belongings, which none of those things were left to him in the will......... so basically I am SOL until I can work this summer and save up the money to replace these things....

gonna check out pawn shops and sh!t tomorrow and see if anything turns up

oh. and add me on xbox live. 'gsueagle08' is my s/n. if I am ever logged on, let me know and I am gonna try to see if microsoft can retrieve the IP addy for me.

04-08-2007, 09:09 PM
Wow thats sucks balls...

04-08-2007, 09:15 PM
I know the feeling bro.

Lucky DAWG
04-08-2007, 09:20 PM
if you find the IP address
i will join you on the manhunt

04-08-2007, 09:39 PM
oh yeah, and they stole my fuckin cell phone charger................I had my fuckin cell phone with me in augusta, but they stole the fucking charger...... who steals a fucking cell phone charger?

04-08-2007, 09:43 PM
Damn, that sucks. You don't really hear about too many break ins in this area. Where's your rental house at?

04-08-2007, 09:45 PM
im on marvin ave, right off of fair rd. i'm in the 2 story brick house with the white picket fence around it

04-08-2007, 09:46 PM
im on marvin ave, right off of fair rd. i'm in the 2 story brick house with the white picket fence around it

Closer to the Zaxby's or closer to I-16?

04-08-2007, 09:51 PM
Closer to the Zaxby's or closer to I-16?

like, right next to arbys. i can walk into my driveway and see arbys and harveys

04-08-2007, 09:54 PM
like, right next to arbys. i can walk into my driveway and see arbys and harveys

Oh, I know where you are. Man that sucks. See, this is the shit that worries me. I have a lease for next year for Campus Club, but that place is so fucking ghetto. I'm might try and sublease it to someone and get into a place in Talon's Lake.

04-08-2007, 09:59 PM
well I would think a break in at CC would be harder bc u have a lot more people around, even out walkin around late at night. houses are a lot more secluded. iono. but hey man, if you hear of anything at all shoot me a PM on here. im gonna go check the pawn shops all this week.

04-08-2007, 10:08 PM
well I would think a break in at CC would be harder bc u have a lot more people around, even out walkin around late at night. houses are a lot more secluded. iono. but hey man, if you hear of anything at all shoot me a PM on here. im gonna go check the pawn shops all this week.

Yeah, if I hear anything, I'll give you a heads up. I think checking pawn shops could be a little bit difficult though. I went to 3 different ones around town, looking for a cheap shotgun, and the one just before the railroad tracks right near El Sobrero had a bunch of Xboxes. You're probably gonna have to ask them when each one was pawned. Supposedly they have to take your name and info before you can pawn shit to them, but I don't think they actually follow through with that.

04-08-2007, 10:14 PM
well i just heard that pawn shops have to hold electronic stuff for so long b4 they can resell them, and i have the serial number of my xbox 360

04-08-2007, 10:18 PM
well i just heard that pawn shops have to hold electronic stuff for so long b4 they can resell them, and i have the serial number of my xbox 360

Well that's good. Good luck with everything and like I said, I'll PM you if I hear anything.

04-08-2007, 10:18 PM
cool man. preciate it

04-09-2007, 12:39 AM
When I was in college and my apartment got robbed, I didn't have renter's insurance either...BUT it actually was covered by my PARENT's home owner's insurance. Make sure you get a copy of the police report, and have your parents call their insurance company. Good luck!

04-09-2007, 12:49 AM
I normally just drink my sorrows away. It works great but it eventually builds up and I "snap" or have a mental break down, but that only happens like 2 days out the year. Like right now I have a final project due tommorow. Saturday I spent 8hrs on it, got 1/3rd of the way done and today I gave up before I even got half way done. Luckly yesterday I bought and extra 12pk for today, and tomorrow once I wake up I will most likely feel depressed and worthless so for breakfast I'll hit up the liquor store and be happy as a sparrow.

04-09-2007, 12:53 AM
I normally just drink my sorrows away.

Bad idea. I've done that before. I try to drink my sorrows away, end up drinking too much, and spend the rest of the night puking over a toilet swearing to god that I'll never drink again.

04-09-2007, 12:55 AM

04-09-2007, 12:58 AM

I'm not trying to stop you, I'm just saying it doesn't always have the best outcome.

04-09-2007, 01:02 AM
Right now the outcome is good, tomorrow it will be a bad outcome, but then I'll drink that outcome into a good one.

04-09-2007, 10:28 AM
yeah it sounds like your luck is like ours, if it werent for bad we wouldnt have any...sorry bro