View Full Version : POLITICS: So who's it gonna be???

04-04-2007, 03:59 PM
Hilary Clinton (DEM) raised $26 million in her 1st campaign quarter...

Followed closely by Barack Obama (DEM) w/ $25 million...

Followed by Mitt Romney (REP) w/ $23 million...

Followed by Rudy Giuliani (REP) w/ $15 million...

Then last but not least John McCain (REP) w/12.5 million...

So the race is on people! Question is...who's it gonna be? :thinking:

04-04-2007, 08:54 PM
I think it's sad when your chances of winning are basically determined by who can get more money and the most campaign contributions...25 million in the first three months? my goodness...LOL at this point it doesn't even matter who wins, it's not like the (next) president will answer to us, he/she will answer to their corporate whores.

04-05-2007, 09:12 AM
Agreed. When I was listening to Mitt Romney give an interview last night I was taken back by just how much I distrust politicians in general. If they are in it to help this country and it's people, why are they always wealthy? I think they are wealthy because they quite possibly are shareholders and/or board members to some corporation that will surely benefit if they become president and sign a few bills in their favor. It's so sad. And why do we vote for seperate presidents from the same family? Out of this whole country why would I vote for Hilary Clinton when her husband just spent 8 years in office? 12 years of Bush's. :headslap: Give me a break!

Oh I forgot to include John Edwards (DEM) w/ $14 million raised...

What is he thinking campaigning when his wife is sick with cancer and he has 2 small children at home? When asked by a reporter how they broke the news to his kids about the cancer returning he told the children this, "Well you know how we all die someday but we don't know what we're going to die from...well mommy knows what she's going to die from." Ummmm OK. That was a great way to put it John :goodjob:, where do I cast my vote?

Oh and let's not forget old Dick Cheney, don't even bother campaigning...:no: