View Full Version : France, anyone?

03-29-2007, 07:32 PM
Kicker subwoofers/car audio has been working on releasing their European product line and increasing their existing American product line in order to be really ready for their European launch, which is scheduled for the summer of 2008. In January of this year, they sent a group of 15 Industrial Design students from the Savannah College of Art and Design to work with their European design team in Paris. SCAD owns a small village in France called Lacoste, and the students stayed in the village when they were not working, but a majority of their time was spent on the road. The group visited Milan, Rome, Berlin, Barcelona, and Paris (of course). A majority of their time was spent meeting with automotive design firms and attending auto shows. They collected information for Kicker about consumer interests and wants.

Now that they have a database of what the European consumer wants, they are going to begin designing products aimed specifically at the European market. They were so impressed with the 15 students who went, that they have chosen to continue working with the SCAD Industrial Design department . A team of 15 SCAD students will be helping with prototype design, testing, more research, and also application and install designs for a variety of cars. In January of 2008 Kicker will be sending these students to Paris to help setup the product release events, points of purchase in stores around Europe. They will also be sending the students to product demos at various auto shows and the students will be given the opportunity to present Kicker's product line to automotive design firms in hopes of being integrated into factory design (like Harmon Kardon components being installed in BMWs from the factory). The team will be made up of upper level Industrial Design students who have shown a focus in automotive and transportation design, as well as general focus students who are at the top of their class.

All that said... they actually only need 14...


:bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :bump: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies: :bannana: :bannana: :bannana: :bannana: :bannana: :flash: :flash: :bigok: :bigok: :drunk: :drunk: :drink: :yay: :yay: :yay: :bigdance: :bigdance: :bling: :dj:

03-29-2007, 07:36 PM
Congrats, bro!

03-29-2007, 07:36 PM

Lolol. Later, QD.

03-29-2007, 07:39 PM
Congrats, bro!

There is no dude on here named Emily. :lmfao: :lmfao:

Hello! :lmfao:

Congrats Emily! :lmfao:

03-29-2007, 07:40 PM
[20:37] Makostar02: lol I'm a girl ya dork :P
[20:39] evasiveef9: ...no
[20:40] evasiveef9: ...no, seriously...
[20:40] Makostar02: seriously
[20:40] evasiveef9: Liar...since when?
[20:40] Makostar02: since 4:55AM on October 7, 1984


03-29-2007, 07:41 PM
im too poor for SCAD, i wish I could go there. Best film school in GA and I cant go :(

03-29-2007, 07:43 PM
^^Student loans FTW. I'm trying to stay under $75,000... right now I'm at $37,000 and counting... *sigh*

03-29-2007, 07:44 PM
So what exactly is Industrial Design?

03-29-2007, 07:50 PM
Industrial Design = Product design and development.... An Industrial Designer is the reason that your microwave looks like it does, your car from the factory looks like it does, the little glitch in your cell phone that makes the battery cover fall off is an industrial designer's fault.... the reason your home appliances look like they do.. the reason my girl's vibrator is shaped like it is... we're everywhere. Pretty much everything that is not clothing or fashion or graphic we design. Store displays, all of it. There's branches of it that are more specialized, like auto/transportation design, tool design, and product research, but we're basically specially trained inventors. :D

03-29-2007, 07:58 PM
Industrial Design = Product design and development.... An Industrial Designer is the reason that your microwave looks like it does, your car from the factory looks like it does, the little glitch in your cell phone that makes the battery cover fall off is an industrial designer's fault.... the reason your home appliances look like they do.. the reason my girl's vibrator is shaped like it is... we're everywhere. Pretty much everything that is not clothing or fashion or graphic we design. Store displays, all of it. There's branches of it that are more specialized, like auto/transportation design, tool design, and product research, but we're basically specially trained inventors. :D

So you're basically the reason why the Xbox 1 looks like a down's kid with one too many mountain dews designed it? Great track record there...

lol j/k hope it all works out for you!

03-29-2007, 08:10 PM
So you're basically the reason why the Xbox 1 looks like a down's kid with one too many mountain dews designed it? Great track record there...

lol j/k hope it all works out for you!

hey hey! Go yell at the microsoft designers! They're also the reason that PCs look dumb and boring.

Apple designers, on the other hand, are gods.

03-29-2007, 10:24 PM
[20:37] Makostar02: lol I'm a girl ya dork :P
[20:39] evasiveef9: ...no
[20:40] evasiveef9: ...no, seriously...
[20:40] Makostar02: seriously
[20:40] evasiveef9: Liar...since when?
[20:40] Makostar02: since 4:55AM on October 7, 1984

*bows head*