View Full Version : Misc is this how all PS3 owners are?

03-28-2007, 02:54 AM

03-28-2007, 03:24 AM
wow, that dude is a waste of time. I got through less than 1/4th of that and had to turn it off... so stupid he's not even funny... i hope he's not seriously really like that in real life...

03-28-2007, 11:53 AM
wow, that dude is a waste of time. I got through less than 1/4th of that and had to turn it off... so stupid he's not even funny... i hope he's not seriously really like that in real life...

lol,same i got trhough the first 2 mins..then scan through to see what he thought of 360...lets just say gears sucks dick,came up alot and the word gaylo came up

03-28-2007, 12:22 PM
I feel dumber now...

03-28-2007, 12:22 PM
wow this guy....
1) wishes so desperately he was black
2) is a closet homo
3) knows nothing about gaaaams as he would say lol "ps1 has FFVII" yea and SNES has FFII and FFIII then right after he says how great ps1 is with FFVII he says how he thinks FFXII sucks haha this guy is too much.

03-28-2007, 12:41 PM
looks like he went to fuckin gainesville h.s.

i wanna kick this guy in the balls just so he won't procreate.

03-28-2007, 12:42 PM
haha "I don't wanna play with a dildo... unless it's a stick it up your ass game"

03-28-2007, 04:03 PM
WOW I want to hurt him till he cries. I would have loved to hear "knock knock" "oh just a minute daddy".

03-28-2007, 04:15 PM
lol, the way he talkes makes me laugh

shit looks like a dil....do
i aint tryin to play wh a dil........do

03-28-2007, 04:21 PM
i think i made it about 20 sec before i had to turn it off.

03-28-2007, 04:22 PM
haha "I don't wanna play with a dildo... unless it's a stick it up your ass game"

hahahahahaha +1000

told you he was a closet homo

They should show this video in schools so kids will see what it looks like not to have an education

03-28-2007, 09:05 PM
haha heres his website. http://www.chadwarden.com/main/

03-28-2007, 09:16 PM
"We ain't tryna do geometry...we tryna play gammmmmes."

"You can't beat Sony. That shit is slick. Have you seen the PS3? That shit is nice, slick...black, *fwfffuf-fwufff*...that shit is nice. See like my hair over here bitch? You like that shit! My hair was blond before that shit...I dyed it black. Know why? Dat PS Triple. Da PS Triple! That shit is MONEY...MONEY!"

He needs to be sterilized.

03-28-2007, 11:21 PM
haha heres his website. http://www.chadwarden.com/main/

good god,heres one off the website..he wrote this
new shit

03 23 2007, 20:54

Alrite, becuz of all da many IMz chadwarden receive itz gettin hard fo a bizy nigga lyk myself 2 keep track aight. (aim: chadwardenn)

If u hav ne questions u need me 2 anser 4 u, den e-mail dem at [email protected] ([email protected]) an chad daddy will pick da mos balla questions 2 be in his next vid aight nigga? holla

chad jus did an interview wit da niggaz at arrogantics.com (http://arrogantics.com/2007/03/23/arrosclusive-chadwardenn-interview/), hit dey asses up aight

new vid comin' out soon niggaz, n expect dat shit 2 b raw. chadwarden dun settle fo anythin less aight,


03-29-2007, 11:24 AM

03-29-2007, 02:23 PM
he went too far with the halo insults.

03-29-2007, 02:32 PM
I must roffle at the messican

bahahahah pee ess triple wtf :screwy:

03-29-2007, 02:38 PM
Gears of War is pretty cool...I just played it yesterday.

03-29-2007, 02:42 PM
gears of war is a bitch game... didnt you see dat commercial wit day gay az muzik real gaams have 50 cent not sum gay ass shit with him crying didn't you watch the video???? that guy speaks da truf

03-29-2007, 09:33 PM
Hell no, someone get his address so I can go down there and beat his ass. His face just pisses me off.

03-29-2007, 09:49 PM
i love how he tells the world that his parents give him way to much money and he is a spoiled bitch