View Full Version : This doesn't make much sense...

03-24-2007, 05:07 AM
First, the NWS, aka The Red Light District, get taken off of IA, causing a storm of controversy with the no-lifes. For about a month straight, and still to this day, you can't go a day without someone crying about where it went. You've even got people with zero posts that have been a member of IA for 3 years all of a sudden making their first ever post:

"Where did the NWS go?"

It's obvious as to what you've been doing for those 3 years on IA. You've got that Lucient character who is probably curled up in a fetal position in a corner withering away. It was/is sad, really to see the uproar that was caused by this removal.

So then, someone created a thread showing pictures of underage or barely legal girls. That was smart. Evidently it was deleted or moved to archives and now even that is causing a commotion within the forums. Is there nowhere in the real world that you can go to get the real thing? Was IA the only place on the Internet that you could go for your sexual enjoyment? I consider myself a smart dude and I know others know this too, but the common sense within this eludes me. Someone enlighten me. Please. Later, QD.

03-24-2007, 05:14 AM
I forgot all about the Red light district.. A lot of people on here have never been laid.. That's all I really have to say.

Evil Goat
03-24-2007, 05:22 AM

03-24-2007, 05:25 AM
I can already feel the shit storm coming.. that you just raised. :D

03-24-2007, 07:00 AM
^^ lol! you can find all that enjoyment elsewhere, but it was still cool. last night i was drunk and i started a thread asking where jailbait was.. lol

03-24-2007, 07:34 AM
Because looking at pics here, they didn't have to browse a web site and deal with the pop-ups and cookies and potential viruses. Plus they didn't have to worry about mom and dad finding www.IlikeShemales.com on their browser.

03-24-2007, 07:44 AM
I consider myself a smart dude and I know others know this too, but the common sense within this eludes me. Someone enlighten me. Please. Later, QD.

You got old, your memory started failing, and you forget why you originally came to the site (when you were young).....:D

03-24-2007, 07:53 AM
^^ lol!

03-24-2007, 09:24 AM
i never understood why ppl liked the red light district there was always better ones around.

www.glam0ur.com << click forums

03-24-2007, 12:36 PM
You got old, your memory started failing, and you forget why you originally came to the site (when you were young).....:D

Lolol. I don't recall there being an NWS site when I joined. I joined for the car shows and meets we used to have off IA. Not for sex. Later, QD.