View Full Version : Quiting Drinking Plan#42

03-24-2007, 01:34 AM
So I have a drinking problem. I have realized that for a while, but its so hard/delicious to stop. I've tried quitting cold turkey, and just aggravated my self for a couple of days. Ive tried switching to wine, which ended up drinking 2 bottles a night and costing 2x as much as beer + waking up shityer. Ive tried liquor but yeah lol. As some of you may know, I have no control over alcohol. If I drink one beer, I will want the 2nd one even more, and so on until I pass out. And that is the main thing. Falling asleep. Ive never been able to fall asleep like normal people so about 5years ago I started drinking to pass out. Sleeping pills dont work, belive me. I even dropped out of HS because I could not sleep. So now you have an idea, of where im coming from. And now Im a semi nocturnal alcoholic. On to the plan.

My new plan of recovery believe it or not, is weed. I used to smoke back in middle school but stopped before HS since it was not doing anything for me other then being high, lazy, hungry and sleepy. And through out the years, I avoided smoking because of those reasons. But the other day I thought about it, and was like "that is what I need". Get off from work, and about 11pm, roll up a joint, smoke it, eat and be out before 1am like other people do. Its healthier and its cheaper then alcohol. So today I went and bought a quarter, which was the fist time Ive bought any weed in about a decade. And yes, Im sure I will be on my ass after half a joint, and that quarter will last me 3 weeks lol. I think this plan will work, it seems to me like a brilliant plan. Well, detox will start tomorrow since I have been drinking tonight, but after tonight, no more beer, just smoking and going to sleep. So put in your vote, on what you think my plan's out come will be.

03-24-2007, 01:47 AM
sounds like a good plan. i just stopped smoking weed, but i never had an alcohol problem. weed should work for a few months but then you are going to get burned out and fat from having the munchies all the time. but hey, whatever saves your liver.

03-24-2007, 01:59 AM
I agree. Shit I recently spent 2.5k in medical bills from the drinking, which I wouldnt have mindeded spending on a shit ton of munchies.

03-24-2007, 03:01 AM
at least u aint doin crack... haha

03-24-2007, 03:08 AM
you have a pm

03-24-2007, 03:15 AM
at least u aint doin crack... haha

You are correct

03-24-2007, 04:42 AM
I'm in your same boat. I really do need beer to sleep at night. I figure though that as long as I know that I have a problem.. then I'll stop sometime. I was drinking around 12-18 per night. Blacking out and waking up with no problems. Wasting a ton of money. I've been like this for the past 2 years though.. I can't sleep without it.. I literally lay there for hours trying to just get tired enough for my mind to shut the fuck up. Ambien and Ambien CR only works for a night or two, and I feel like shit the next morning. Beer really does just relax you to the point of where you can sleep. Working 3rd shift got me into it, and when I made it to 2nd.. all it did was made it where I had more time to drink :tongue1:

Figured out a nice way to slow it down though... drink warm beer. I can only handle so much before I want to get sick. I drink 1-3/night now. I come home and keep myself busy until I'm ready for bed and drink 1-3... go to sleep.

I've tried to quit several times too, I started putting on weight and shit from drinking so much budweiser, I actually swapped to bud light thinking it would help. I really slowed down because of the g/f.. doesn't like me being drunk. Which I don't blame her.

Pot is a easy way out too, but I find myself not wanting to sleep when I smoke. I'd rather sit up and watch tv or something, and eat. And that bag won't last long... it'll be just like beer. 3 days from now you'll be smoking 3 j's and eatin a shit ton of food. :D

03-24-2007, 06:37 AM
I'm in your same boat. I really do need beer to sleep at night. I figure though that as long as I know that I have a problem.. then I'll stop sometime. I was drinking around 12-18 per night. Blacking out and waking up with no problems. Wasting a ton of money. I've been like this for the past 2 years though.. I can't sleep without it.. I literally lay there for hours trying to just get tired enough for my mind to shut the fuck up. Ambien and Ambien CR only works for a night or two, and I feel like shit the next morning. Beer really does just relax you to the point of where you can sleep. Working 3rd shift got me into it, and when I made it to 2nd.. all it did was made it where I had more time to drink :tongue1:

Figured out a nice way to slow it down though... drink warm beer. I can only handle so much before I want to get sick. I drink 1-3/night now. I come home and keep myself busy until I'm ready for bed and drink 1-3... go to sleep.

I've tried to quit several times too, I started putting on weight and shit from drinking so much budweiser, I actually swapped to bud light thinking it would help. I really slowed down because of the g/f.. doesn't like me being drunk. Which I don't blame her.

Pot is a easy way out too, but I find myself not wanting to sleep when I smoke. I'd rather sit up and watch tv or something, and eat. And that bag won't last long... it'll be just like beer. 3 days from now you'll be smoking 3 j's and eatin a shit ton of food. :D

got experience and obviously knows what he is talking about.. but i thought the whole pot idea was pretty good!

03-24-2007, 08:25 AM
Its works, i know cause i have a drinking problem too, just make sure you dont smoke to much cause it wont put you to sleep if your tolerance is up.

03-24-2007, 08:38 AM
Its works, i know cause i have a drinking problem too, just make sure you dont smoke to much cause it wont put you to sleep if your tolerance is up.

true.. you can build a tolerance really quick.. but then what do i know, i get high of second hand smoke.. quit smoking a ~year ago..

03-24-2007, 10:32 AM

03-24-2007, 10:39 AM
straightedge ftw.

03-24-2007, 10:42 AM
you know what will help your problem- have another beer and forget about it!

03-24-2007, 10:49 AM
*grabs salt*

loser hahah

Lucky DAWG
03-24-2007, 11:13 AM
i used to smoke bud a lot last summer but got off of it, but i have friends who stuck to it and they say that they regret it. Friend of mine got to the point where he needed it to feel normal and he was just slow all day and his reflexes and mental capacity went downhill.

Supposedly the thing that really gets you hooked is when you smoke late at night and go to sleep high, which is WHAT I'VE HEARD makes you become dependent on that

like i said, its what i heard, but keep it in mind

03-24-2007, 11:20 AM
A joint a day keeps the beer away!

03-24-2007, 11:35 AM
eat two loratab 10, thats what have to do to sleep, and purp 24/7

03-24-2007, 11:37 AM
your gonna start drinking and smoking, but you will start passing out sooner, so less $$ on beer&pot, lol

Lucky DAWG
03-24-2007, 11:56 AM
the best healthy thing you could do though, dunno if you have tried this, but try going to the gym right before you sleep, it'll drain you of all your energy and make ya pass right out

03-24-2007, 01:08 PM
I'm in your same boat. I really do need beer to sleep at night. I figure though that as long as I know that I have a problem.. then I'll stop sometime. I was drinking around 12-18 per night. Blacking out and waking up with no problems. Wasting a ton of money. I've been like this for the past 2 years though.. I can't sleep without it.. I literally lay there for hours trying to just get tired enough for my mind to shut the fuck up. Ambien and Ambien CR only works for a night or two, and I feel like shit the next morning. Beer really does just relax you to the point of where you can sleep. Working 3rd shift got me into it, and when I made it to 2nd.. all it did was made it where I had more time to drink :tongue1:

Figured out a nice way to slow it down though... drink warm beer. I can only handle so much before I want to get sick. I drink 1-3/night now. I come home and keep myself busy until I'm ready for bed and drink 1-3... go to sleep.

I've tried to quit several times too, I started putting on weight and shit from drinking so much budweiser, I actually swapped to bud light thinking it would help. I really slowed down because of the g/f.. doesn't like me being drunk. Which I don't blame her.

Pot is a easy way out too, but I find myself not wanting to sleep when I smoke. I'd rather sit up and watch tv or something, and eat. And that bag won't last long... it'll be just like beer. 3 days from now you'll be smoking 3 j's and eatin a shit ton of food. :D

+1, Sounds just like me -warm beer thing

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to sirkus34 again."

03-24-2007, 01:12 PM
Voya and his plans. :lmfao:

Good luck y0! :goodjob:

03-24-2007, 01:32 PM
lol, this one will work Chris, this one will work...

03-24-2007, 01:44 PM
you'l jsut become a big pot head.. this is what you do... it's the only thing that has ever made me pass out involuntary and blank out... don't eat nothing all day and keep taking 2-4 Xzannax BARS at a time for about a 9 hour period while driking and taking loratab 7.5 every 30 minutes and taking a couple special k's and some kolonipins... only thin that would get exspensive after about 2 days.. i never knew cause i always got the for free when ever i wanted to...:D

03-24-2007, 05:56 PM
I agree, work out.

03-24-2007, 06:08 PM
I agree, work out.

Working out helps me. Voya, .......................you-can-dewit! (Rob Shneider voice.)

03-24-2007, 06:28 PM
you'l jsut become a big pot head.. this is what you do... it's the only thing that has ever made me pass out involuntary and blank out... don't eat nothing all day and keep taking 2-4 Xzannax BARS at a time for about a 9 hour period while driking and taking loratab 7.5 every 30 minutes and taking a couple special k's and some kolonipins... only thin that would get exspensive after about 2 days.. i never knew cause i always got the for free when ever i wanted to...:D
your a fucking idiot.

03-24-2007, 06:35 PM
If you smoke pot you will become psychotic and probably go on a violent spree of gruesome murders. Please think about your decision. :2cents:

03-24-2007, 07:06 PM
your a fucking idiot.and your a little pansy

03-24-2007, 07:11 PM
LOL... go sniff some kalipridol or some other dumb drug u think is cool.....

03-25-2007, 03:59 AM
lol, this one will work Chris, this one will work...
Man, just keep trying. The way that I see it is it's just a relaxing end to the day.. and at the end of the week, friday and saturday is when you get drunk. Gives your body time to recoup. I got to where I look forward to the weekends just so I can drink how ever much that I want. Friday night I bought a case.. and I plan on having some left over, but I can drink as much as I want. Sunday night gets here, I go back to drinking a few. Relaxing end to the day..

I've also noticed that when I grab a cold beer when I get ready to drink, that if I take another beer and set it out.. It'll be at the right temp to drink.. just keep setting out the next one. The cold beer is what always gets me. I have literally drank every night since I turned 21.
Easiest way to quit is slowly (I've read, and so far I'm experiencing). You'll slowly get your tolerance down to where you can get a good buzz going off of 3 beers..
You just have to keep in your mind that you're better than a damn drunk. I mean, do you ever see yourself really poor? You would change it to make it to where that didn't happen. It's not easy, but it has to happen. :yes:

03-25-2007, 10:23 AM
cocaine is a hell of a drug.

03-25-2007, 12:35 PM
you'l jsut become a big pot head.. this is what you do... it's the only thing that has ever made me pass out involuntary and blank out... don't eat nothing all day and keep taking 2-4 Xzannax BARS at a time for about a 9 hour period while driking and taking loratab 7.5 every 30 minutes and taking a couple special k's and some kolonipins... only thin that would get exspensive after about 2 days.. i never knew cause i always got the for free when ever i wanted to...:D

That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard.

-1, if you can do that.

03-25-2007, 06:49 PM
My room-mate did the opposite. Used to smoke a lot...then he started drinking. Now he's completely sober.

It could work...I don't know. I'm sure it's different for each person.

03-25-2007, 07:32 PM
Is all in the head.. Now if I can quit ciggs..

I used to smoke weed.. Quit that
I used to drink almost everyday... quit that.. <--- still testing, I havent had one drink since new years. =]
Now, I have to try ciggs for the 10th time.

Feeling good y0 !

Evil Goat
03-25-2007, 07:42 PM
gotta be honest, suicide sounds like a better plan

why not see a doctor about your sleeping habits and get into detox before you die an early death from being a retard

03-25-2007, 08:59 PM
hey hey smoke weed everyday lol.

But seriously i would get into rehab if i had a drinking problem. Smoking may work but there is a risk cuz u could go to buy some weed and not be able to get it where u normally do, have to go to someone else that may be a cop. Thats a risk u dont want to take. I smoked weed probably everyday since i was 14 and went cold turkey last may. Before i stopped smoking i had smoked and sold it for more than 4 yrs. I dont think i was ever addicted to smoking weed, just loved the feeling of being high. But since i stopped i haven't smoked 1 time.

Also take a look around at the people u hang out with and if they drink a lot, then try seperating ur self from them cuz friends have a big influence on things. Im not going to lie there were times i didn't want to smoke, but went out with friends and smoked because they were smoking. So friends are a major influence when it comes to things like this.

Im only 19 and have realized i have a lot to lose, im sure ur older than me by at least 4 or 5 yrs. And im sure u have a hell of a lot more to loose. But i hope u can stop drinking because it is a lot more harm full than weed, just make sure u don't move up to a more serious drug if the weed doesn't work. But good luck i'll say a prayer for u :goodjob:

03-25-2007, 09:40 PM
LOL... go sniff some kalipridol or some other dumb drug u think is cool..... lol i don't do anything anymore i told you i quit smoking.. hopefully for good this time.. i haven't got drunk in almost a year and a half now.. so yeah :tongue1:

cocaine is a hell of a drug. You are correct sir

That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard.

-1, if you can do that. o Rly? favor returned..:goodjob:

03-26-2007, 08:40 AM
Have you thought about just quiting and staying up for a night or 2 with no sleep? I mean if you just don't get any sleep for a while, It should be easy to fall asleep naturally.

03-26-2007, 09:36 AM
Wow, a lot of you guys need professional help not IA help. :rolleyes:

Alcoholism is a serious thing. It's not a joke. Not only does it affect you mentally, but the physical abuse it causes is what ultimately kills you. It may seem normal to some of you to drink until you pass out, but that is your FIRST sign that you have a PROBLEM.

You can NOT substitute a bad habit with another bad habit. That's ridiculous. Any habit can be broken. No if and's or but's. ANY habit can be broken given the correct set of circumstances. If you can't do it on your own, then by God you should ask for professional help. That is what they do. That is what they have EXPERIENCE in. You don't ask your drinking buddies to help you. It's not smart to replace a bad habit with another bad habit. You will need to replace your dependancy with something else, but it should be more constructive. MJ is just as addictive as alcohol, and ILLEGAL to boot. So now, not only would you have to worry about dependancy, but also worry about getting busted too. How's that smart? Replace that bad habit with something that will benefit you as well.

To be perfectly honest, you haven't hit rock bottom yet. Until you do, you will have a hard time quitting. Why? Because you still are looking for shortcuts, easy fixes, have excuses, and generally don't understand the physics of the problem. I've seen alcoholics first hand. It is a corrosive disease. Besides the physical side of it, it actually hurts people around you just as bad if not worse than even the abuser themselves. Remember, the abuser doesn't quite see what all the fuzz is about. They haven't convinced themselves that what they are doing is totally wrong, so therefore in a sense they are just fine and dandy while the rest of the loved ones are left to agonize over it.

Anyway, I'm going to get off my soapbox now. If this thread is true and you are the way you're describing yourself, you need to seek PROFESSIONAL help to get over your problem. DON'T turn one bad habit into TWO. Suck it up and fix the problem. It's not yet terminal, but it could easily be. You're young and have time to repair the damage. Be smart and use that time constructively, because you could easily wake up 20 yrs from now with permanent damage to your body and then it would be too late. I hope you realize that.

Julio hit it right on the head in a way. This is both mental AND physical. Resolve the physical thing FIRST. Your body has a PHYSICAL dependancy for alcohol. Resolve that first and then address the psychological side. It's not easy, but it can and has been done a million times.

I hope you take it seriously and get it done. :goodjob:

03-26-2007, 10:21 AM
Wow, a lot of you guys need professional help not IA help. :rolleyes:

Alcoholism is a serious thing. It's not a joke. Not only does it affect you mentally, but the physical abuse it causes is what ultimately kills you. It may seem normal to some of you to drink until you pass out, but that is your FIRST sign that you have a PROBLEM.

You can NOT substitute a bad habit with another bad habit. That's ridiculous. Any habit can be broken. No if and's or but's. ANY habit can be broken given the correct set of circumstances. If you can't do it on your own, then by God you should ask for professional help. That is what they do. That is what they have EXPERIENCE in. You don't ask your drinking buddies to help you. It's not smart to replace a bad habit with another bad habit. You will need to replace your dependancy with something else, but it should be more constructive. MJ is just as addictive as alcohol, and ILLEGAL to boot. So now, not only would you have to worry about dependancy, but also worry about getting busted too. How's that smart? Replace that bad habit with something that will benefit you as well.

To be perfectly honest, you haven't hit rock bottom yet. Until you do, you will have a hard time quitting. Why? Because you still are looking for shortcuts, easy fixes, have excuses, and generally don't understand the physics of the problem. I've seen alcoholics first hand. It is a corrosive disease. Besides the physical side of it, it actually hurts people around you just as bad if not worse than even the abuser themselves. Remember, the abuser doesn't quite see what all the fuzz is about. They haven't convinced themselves that what they are doing is totally wrong, so therefore in a sense they are just fine and dandy while the rest of the loved ones are left to agonize over it.

Anyway, I'm going to get off my soapbox now. If this thread is true and you are the way you're describing yourself, you need to seek PROFESSIONAL help to get over your problem. DON'T turn one bad habit into TWO. Suck it up and fix the problem. It's not yet terminal, but it could easily be. You're young and have time to repair the damage. Be smart and use that time constructively, because you could easily wake up 20 yrs from now with permanent damage to your body and then it would be too late. I hope you realize that.

Julio hit it right on the head in a way. This is both mental AND physical. Resolve the physical thing FIRST. Your body has a PHYSICAL dependancy for alcohol. Resolve that first and then address the psychological side. It's not easy, but it can and has been done a million times.

I hope you take it seriously and get it done. :goodjob:

I love this guy! :yes:

03-26-2007, 10:32 AM
I love this guy! :yes:

{Joey from Friend's voice} How YOU doin' ;) .......{/end Joey from Friend's voice}

Where have you been hidin' woman??? :thinking: My number is still the same.....use it..... :D ;) Seriously.

03-26-2007, 05:13 PM
lol, this one will work Chris, this one will work...

I hope something does man. I have trouble sleeping too. I never get a good night's sleep unless I am at my girl's apartment. I dunno if I sleep better with a woman next to me or what. :dunno:

03-26-2007, 05:29 PM
if you have a girl friend try sex. it should help you sleep and burn some calories!

03-26-2007, 05:52 PM
LOL at this thread

03-26-2007, 07:57 PM
Wow, a lot of you guys need professional help not IA help. :rolleyes:

Alcoholism is a serious thing. It's not a joke. Not only does it affect you mentally, but the physical abuse it causes is what ultimately kills you. It may seem normal to some of you to drink until you pass out, but that is your FIRST sign that you have a PROBLEM.

You can NOT substitute a bad habit with another bad habit. That's ridiculous. Any habit can be broken. No if and's or but's. ANY habit can be broken given the correct set of circumstances. If you can't do it on your own, then by God you should ask for professional help. That is what they do. That is what they have EXPERIENCE in. You don't ask your drinking buddies to help you. It's not smart to replace a bad habit with another bad habit. You will need to replace your dependancy with something else, but it should be more constructive. MJ is just as addictive as alcohol, and ILLEGAL to boot. So now, not only would you have to worry about dependancy, but also worry about getting busted too. How's that smart? Replace that bad habit with something that will benefit you as well.

To be perfectly honest, you haven't hit rock bottom yet. Until you do, you will have a hard time quitting. Why? Because you still are looking for shortcuts, easy fixes, have excuses, and generally don't understand the physics of the problem. I've seen alcoholics first hand. It is a corrosive disease. Besides the physical side of it, it actually hurts people around you just as bad if not worse than even the abuser themselves. Remember, the abuser doesn't quite see what all the fuzz is about. They haven't convinced themselves that what they are doing is totally wrong, so therefore in a sense they are just fine and dandy while the rest of the loved ones are left to agonize over it.

Anyway, I'm going to get off my soapbox now. If this thread is true and you are the way you're describing yourself, you need to seek PROFESSIONAL help to get over your problem. DON'T turn one bad habit into TWO. Suck it up and fix the problem. It's not yet terminal, but it could easily be. You're young and have time to repair the damage. Be smart and use that time constructively, because you could easily wake up 20 yrs from now with permanent damage to your body and then it would be too late. I hope you realize that.

Julio hit it right on the head in a way. This is both mental AND physical. Resolve the physical thing FIRST. Your body has a PHYSICAL dependancy for alcohol. Resolve that first and then address the psychological side. It's not easy, but it can and has been done a million times.

I hope you take it seriously and get it done. :goodjob:


As for an update... Tursday I drank about a 6pk and smoked. Friday I drank a 40 and smoked, Saturday I drank about 15 and became beer pong champion and did not smoke, Sunday I drank about 5-6 in the early afternoon, and smoked at night. To be honest, it does work. After I smoke I go strait to bed. The problem is I reminded my self that Im not a big fan of weed. I smoke, I get high and can stare at the comp screen for 30min. I cannot communicate when high, I can not drive a car, I get paranoid someone will be in the kitchen 2-3am so I stay trapped in my room etc... Which all makes me go to sleep. It works, but I smoked the last of it last night and rather then picking up some more, im just going to go get me a nice cold 12pk. So who ever picked answer 2 or 4 won the poll. I'll give the weed smoking another shot some other time, but right now Im going to grab me a beer. I have another plan that I want to try also. Im gonna buy a mountain bike and ride it at the Kennesaw trails. This plan will make me fit, and make not want to drink because of a beer belly aswell as I would be tired and go to sleep.

03-26-2007, 10:01 PM
lol beer pong champ ftw yo!!!!!