View Full Version : My oldest son is starting his first game on the HS baseball team...

03-08-2007, 07:24 PM
Going to be checking it out this weekend. He's been playing for 9 years now and makes his first HS start. Exciting shit right here. He played Tuesday, subbing in and going 1-1 with a walk, an RBI and a run scored. They won 14-0. Yessir. Later, QD.

Lucky DAWG
03-08-2007, 07:43 PM
lets hope he doesn't hit himself in the head with the bat

EDIT: i hope he hits the ball

B16a2 Civic
03-08-2007, 07:46 PM
Proud dad there
Congrats man

03-08-2007, 07:48 PM
Nice, must be a great feeling.

03-08-2007, 07:49 PM

03-08-2007, 07:51 PM
lets hope he doesn't hit himself in the head with the bat

You gonna get it...

03-08-2007, 07:52 PM
damn qd u should sign ur post from now on

later, ODB...

lol.jkjk.... congrats.......

03-08-2007, 07:55 PM
For what high school?

Lucky DAWG
03-08-2007, 08:00 PM
You gonna get it...

knowing how clever QD is,
i'm waiting for a baseball to fly through my window with a note written in sharpie of how many days i got left to live

that would be cool

Evil Goat
03-08-2007, 08:13 PM
awesome man, i played for 15 years, including traveling teams, highschool, state teams, and this year is my sons first year playing tball and my first coaching, hes 3 playing w/ the 4-6 year olds....awesome shit....good luck to him man, didnt realize you were that old

03-08-2007, 08:24 PM
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes. He goes to school in Newton County.

awesome man, i played for 15 years, including traveling teams, highschool, state teams, and this year is my sons first year playing tball and my first coaching, hes 3 playing w/ the 4-6 year olds....awesome shit....good luck to him man, didnt realize you were that old

MR, my son started when he was about 4. And I'm not that old, lolol. 36 years. Later, QD.

Evil Goat
03-08-2007, 08:31 PM
bajesus....i pictured you in the late 20's....craziness

so if youre 36....then bretts what? 107?

03-08-2007, 08:38 PM
bajesus....i pictured you in the late 20's....craziness

so if youre 36....then bretts what? 107?

hahahahaha ... Brett is 35...

03-08-2007, 08:38 PM
bajesus....i pictured you in the late 20's....craziness

so if youre 36....then bretts what? 107?

I'm actually older than Brett. Little known fact, though. Hail, I guarantee that my oldest child is older than over 60% of this board. Later, QD.

Evil Goat
03-08-2007, 08:40 PM
wow, havent given much thought about that, youre probably actually right though

03-08-2007, 08:41 PM
wow, havent given much thought about that, youre probably actually right though

Yeah, lolol. She just turned 22. Later, QD.

Evil Goat
03-08-2007, 08:42 PM
wha wha what? you have a daughter thats 22? i call bs....

03-08-2007, 08:45 PM
wha wha what? you have a daughter thats 22? i call bs....

No reason to lie. I have no one to impress. Seriously. Later, QD.

Evil Goat
03-08-2007, 08:46 PM
damn qd got started early....i was 20 when my son was born and i thought that was too early, lol

03-08-2007, 08:46 PM
Holy crap...you have a son? Dang...I don't know, I guess I just didn't expect it. Congratulations, man. You gotta be proud as shit. I played 13 years, and my dad was always proud to be at my games. Well...at least he pretended to be, haha. And to make it in highschool-ball is DEFINITLY an accomplishment. Tell him to stick with it. College scholarship, what what?

Congrats, man. Congrats.

03-08-2007, 08:48 PM
thats crazy

03-08-2007, 08:48 PM
so she was born when you were 14 or 15 if she just turned 22 and your bought to be 37 either if this is true you were damn you and props to you on making it

03-08-2007, 08:50 PM
so she was born when you were 14 or 15 if she just turned 22 and your bought to be 37 either if this is true you were damn you and props to you on making it
More than that. Props to you for not being a shit-bag like half the people would be in that situation. Props to you for manning up. Props to you for taking responsibility for your actions, and sticking with it through hell and high water (cuz god knows there's been plenty)

Evil Goat
03-08-2007, 08:51 PM
More than that. Props to you for not being a shit-bag like half the people would be in that situation. Props to you for manning up. Props to you for taking responsibility for your actions, and sticking with it through hell and high water (cuz god knows there's been plenty)

qd's not gay, stop trying to get a date

03-08-2007, 08:51 PM
Yup. Later, QD.

03-08-2007, 08:52 PM
qd's not gay, stop trying to get a date
...you don't know my situation. You have no idea why I actually have the right to say something like that and congratulate him for doing what he's doing. So...thanks, anyways.

03-08-2007, 08:52 PM
evasive thanks for filling in what i left out just didnt know what the real situation was with him and didnt want to sound like i knew exactly what he went through cause i really have no fucking clue but im sure it was hell . Im 19 and cant imagine having a kid , I love my cars way to much

03-08-2007, 08:53 PM

03-08-2007, 08:54 PM
evasive thanks for filling in what i left out just didnt know what the real situation was with him and didnt want to sound like i knew exactly what he went through cause i really have no fucking clue but im sure it was hell . Im 19 and cant imagine having a kid , I love my cars way to much
*shrugs* it's a huge responsibility. Let's just say I know a small taste of it. No one can imagine what QD's been through. No one can fill anyone else's shoes. I just know that what he's doing deserves credit...so I'm giving it where it's due. Reps don't quite give enough credit...LoL

Evil Goat
03-08-2007, 08:56 PM
...you don't know my situation. You have no idea why I actually have the right to say something like that and congratulate him for doing what he's doing. So...thanks, anyways.

congrats on having a dad that was a douschebag at some point, join the club, we have jackets now, dont get all emotional on me and go to crying, alot of us had tough upbringings so dont act like youre the only handicapped kid to ever come out of a relationship

03-08-2007, 08:58 PM
^^^^ shits about to hit the fan

~grabs another beer ~

03-08-2007, 08:59 PM
My Father disowned my sister and I, at ages 3 months(her) and 1 year(me) in court. Never saw him again. Oh well. Later, QD.

03-08-2007, 09:01 PM
congrats on having a dad that was a douschebag at some point, join the club, we have jackets now, dont get all emotional on me and go to crying, alot of us had tough upbringings so dont act like youre the only handicapped kid to ever come out of a relationship
Uh...what? My dad did an outstanding job at raising me. I made my own mistakes. Whoever said I had a rough upbringing?

Quit trying to call out what you know nothing about...
Oh, and if you decide to use the word "douche"...learn to spell it first.

^^^^ shits about to hit the fan

~grabs another beer ~
Nope, cuz it's not worth it to me. I'm not an e-gangsta.

03-08-2007, 09:03 PM
props gos to you for keeping your cool , cause i would have probably just lost it

03-08-2007, 09:03 PM
I won't post newer ones of her, but this her and I and a friend at Fernbank many moons ago. Later, QD.
and I thought I looked geeky

03-08-2007, 09:05 PM
random question : tigerjc your location say trappedin the closet.

when you gonna come out the closet is my question to you ???

sorry for going off topic in your thread qd

03-08-2007, 09:06 PM
props gos to you for keeping your cool , cause i would have probably just lost it
LoL, thanks. I just don't really care to get into a disagreement with him. Over something like that, it's not like my penis will grow chubby over it. That, and I need to get packing. Tomorrow morning, I FINALLY get leave to depart from the barracks and sleep in a REAL bed, and get to see my ex. I'm in too good of a mood to fight, basically.

03-08-2007, 09:08 PM
random question : tigerjc your location say trappedin the closet.

when you gonna come out the closet is my question to you ???
when your dad leaves the house to go back to work

03-08-2007, 09:11 PM
when your dad leaves the house to go back to work

you would like a big black canadian jew ..... FAG :gay:

03-08-2007, 09:13 PM
alright tigerjc enough with the offtopic shit if you wanna argue go make a thread i know i started it but this is qd's thread and we cant do this in here plus im just fuckin around but im down to argue if you want so if you do make a callout thread toward me i'll be there in a jiffy .......... peace

03-08-2007, 09:14 PM
you would like a big black canadian jew ..... FAG :gay:
I guess u didn't see the joke :doh: . Make a new thread if you want to call me out, instead of ruining this thread

03-08-2007, 09:16 PM
damn dude thats the same shit i just said but its all cool where did qd go ???

03-08-2007, 09:18 PM
He probably saw ya'll posting crap and left...

Sidewayz...you called HIM out first...LoL

Both of ya'll were kiddin'. Chill.

Evil Goat
03-09-2007, 08:29 PM
shitty dads are a travesty, my dad was a alcoholic until i was around 12 or so, ive seen him kick folks ass, smack around my mom, tear all kinds of shit up...hated him for a long time, but now hes one of my best friends, my parents stuck through it thick and thin, and have been married for over 25 years, i fucked up a few years ago and got my girlfriend pregnant, i was 19, she had just graduated highschool, i sucked it up, been married for just over 4 years and my son will be 4 in may.....best/worst thing thats ever happened to me, i didnt get to finish all the schooling i wanted to do, even though i worked my balls off to support my family and go to school, but then again, anyone whos had kids knows youd do most anything for them, and i wouldnt trade my kid for the world

my wife is adopted, hasnt seen or talked to her mom in over 15 years, and the bitch lives less than 2 miles from us, knows where we live, and still makes no effort to be involved, shit happens everyday, obviously some of us, such as QD, are strong enough to make it through while others choke, my hats off to qd, no doubt about it, thats a tough one to overcome, just brings everything into perspective that when you think something you went through was rough theres always someone out there whos had it tougher

back on topic.....what position does your son play qd?

03-09-2007, 09:35 PM
..what position does your son play qd?

Shortstop and second. Sometimes catcher. They ended up winning tonight, 4-1. He is now 2-2 with a walk, an RBI and 2 runs scored in 2 games. They are 2-0, also. Thanks for the words, dude. Later, QD.

03-09-2007, 10:42 PM
I regret not trying out when I was in high school.

I was just so lazy that I didn't feel like doing all the work outs, I could ball back in the day.

03-10-2007, 04:53 AM
I regret not trying out when I was in high school.

That's the one thing I can definitely agree with you on. I played soccer from age 5 til 18 and was told too many times to go for HS team. Never did and I regret the shit out of it. I played goalkeeper in 361 games and allowed only 7 goals the whole time. Later, QD.

03-10-2007, 08:52 AM
shitty dads are a travesty, my dad was a alcoholic until i was around 12 or so, ive seen him kick folks ass, smack around my mom, tear all kinds of shit up...hated him for a long time, but now hes one of my best friends, my parents stuck through it thick and thin, and have been married for over 25 years, i fucked up a few years ago and got my girlfriend pregnant, i was 19, she had just graduated highschool, i sucked it up, been married for just over 4 years and my son will be 4 in may.....best/worst thing thats ever happened to me, i didnt get to finish all the schooling i wanted to do, even though i worked my balls off to support my family and go to school, but then again, anyone whos had kids knows youd do most anything for them, and i wouldnt trade my kid for the world

my wife is adopted, hasnt seen or talked to her mom in over 15 years, and the bitch lives less than 2 miles from us, knows where we live, and still makes no effort to be involved, shit happens everyday, obviously some of us, such as QD, are strong enough to make it through while others choke, my hats off to qd, no doubt about it, thats a tough one to overcome, just brings everything into perspective that when you think something you went through was rough theres always someone out there whos had it tougher

back on topic.....what position does your son play qd?

Glad to hear you didn't choke, either, and manned up.

I live in a DFCS home, and help to care for them when I can. We're a temporary foster home. When DFCS first gets the kids, we take them in and take care of them until a more permanent home is found. That's my part to give back to the community...
Been doing it for about 4 years now, I guess? Our home has had over 20 kids...I'd say somewhere around 30. It's hard to see what some of these kids anywhere from 4 days old to 12 years old have been through. That's where part of my perspective comes from. I'd rather not go into the other details. Some of these kids are really cool, and it' shard to believe they've seen some things that some of us can't ever even imagine. We had one kid that was a little under a year. He had scars on his back where he'd been beaten, a broken arm, and broken leg. We've had near crack babies. We got that one when he was 4 days old, and he's 3, 3.5 years now. He's a brat...but I guess you could say I've become a bit attached. He's back in full custody under his father. Dad struggles, but he does his best.

03-10-2007, 09:30 AM
Cool stuff man! If you ever want me to come out and snap some in action shots lemme know! I can wait........ but I really can't wait until I have a son! :thinking:

03-10-2007, 12:25 PM
I regret not trying out when I was in high school.

I was just so lazy that I didn't feel like doing all the work outs, I could ball back in the day.
Same here, played from age 6-14, but didn't feel like playing HS ball.

I still kinda regret it.