View Full Version : Gatta love M$!!!!

03-01-2007, 11:06 PM
Ok so my OS crashed over the last month and I have been too lazy to get everything back into motion because i still got a laptop. So earlier this week my mom asked me to see what I could do because she needed to get on. I decided to re-install XP and start the LONG process. SO i get it installed and I am about to enter in all my product key information when I get a ERROR:

Product key invalid

SO i check the number and try again, and i get the same error. So i decide to look at my other computer and enter that serial in, just in case I was using the wrong CD and I get the same error. SO i decided to call M$.

I get the normal indian with an american name...lol...and I tell them whats going on. I ask what I can do and the lady says that she can verify my old key and generate me a new one. I read her mine and she verifies it and proceeds to generate me a new one.

I get the new key and type it in and I get the error screen again. She puts me on hold for 5-10 minuets while she transfers me to tech support.

Now I am talking to another indian with an american name...so strange they all have very american names :thinking: , and I tell him what is going on. He tells me that because I bought the computer with XP already on it I needed to contact HP and get a new key generated....and they they COULD NOT GENERATE ME A NEW KEY...I was like hummmmm

ok well you just generated me a new key so thats bs. so i decide to call HP. I get them on the line and tell then whats going on and they are more than happy to help me. I give them my product key information and the verify that it IS a HP key, but then it comes up as a BLACK LISTED key...they tell me that I need to call M$ and figure out why it was black listed

SO...i call M$ and ask them and they said that because they generated me a new key the old one is black listed...ok so I call HP back and tell them. They cannot do anything with a black listed serial. I tell the lady that they black listed it because I get a new key. She types the new key in and it shows that HP didnt generate the key....NO SHIT

I was like bitch i just told you that M$ JUST generated me the key. She then proceeds to tell me that I need to get the original key un-black listed so they can generate me a new key personally.

So i call M$ back and tell them that I needed to get me old key off the black list.....HAHAHAHA

Ya they cannot do that, well at least thats what they say. Now i am stuck, M$ cannot/will not get my original product key off the black list and I cannot get a new key that works without the original working key...

I hate HP and M$. I am just going to get a eMachine for $300 and call it a day, i just need something to type up papers when I am at home....

anyone else have this much trouble with M$ or HP or anyone else for that matter?

03-01-2007, 11:15 PM
LOL!!! hp is shit... and it sucks ms was being retarded..

good luck with the emachines though... i've never seen an emachines hold up... ever..

03-01-2007, 11:16 PM
Can't say that I have heh.

03-01-2007, 11:16 PM
M$ pisses me off anuff with 360

03-02-2007, 12:02 AM
LOL!!! hp is shit... and it sucks ms was being retarded..

good luck with the emachines though... i've never seen an emachines hold up... ever..

I had one that that ran for three years with only one problem, Windows ME started fucking up real bad, so I put XP on it. I was still running when I traded it in to a computer store for parts to build a new one. The guys at the store were a little suprised when they found out how old it was.

03-02-2007, 07:10 AM
The answer to all your problems (www.ubuntu.com)

03-02-2007, 05:05 PM
KEYGEN FTW!!!!! I can get you it ;)
It works for vista, Xp, 2000 etc. It does TRIAL AND ERROR until it finds a LEGIT one, pretty cool... :)