View Full Version : What is the worst thing, you have been pulled over for?

02-22-2007, 08:47 AM

Even throw up the thigns you didnt get away with.

When I was test driving, my accord. I was on Browns Bridge Road in Gainesville. And I was going 89 in a 35 I think. It might have been 45. But either way well over half the posted speed.

I had two Hall County Cops behind me. NO DEALER TAG on the car.

And they thought I stole the car. Because I slowed down, and put on my turn signal and turned into a parking lot.

LOL Well they lectured me, and sent me on my way, which I was pretty lucky..not to get a ticket. I was used to driving my slow ass sentra, but going from a sentra, to an accord. The accord has more pick up and go...


Who else???

02-22-2007, 08:48 AM
music too loud.

i had no aftermarket speakers, wastn loud. got a warning.

02-22-2007, 08:50 AM
Street racing my moms BMW X5, HAHAHAHAHAHAH im serious tho

against a mustang from redlight to redlight

I knew the cop, my buddy in the mustang got 2 tickets and is losing his license


02-22-2007, 08:51 AM
^^ that is bad....

02-22-2007, 08:56 AM
Up home I've gotten a bunch of No inspection tickets. My car was always being worked on, and would never pass. It was just an on going project. Then there was the evading and illuding. That was just stupid though.

I can honestly say I've NEVER gotten a speeding ticket though in 7 and about a half years of driving!!

I got a ticket in my dads Dodge pick up though. 360, .40" over, chipped, dual Flowmasters. It wasnt SUPER FAST, but it was pretty quick. I had stopped at a stop sign, and the road to my left was a hill comming down, as was the right but going down from where I was at. Winter was getting near its end, and the melting snow and little rains we were getting ran the road salt and some gravel into the interesection, and I rolled on the throttle, and the tires started spinnin. Even though I immediately let off, the cop still got me.

It was the same cop that I ran from, but this was before that incident. I had my camera, I took pictures, took them to court showing the judge what the intersection looked like, showing that I had to go up a slight grade. I got out of it with a "Well i've never seen you in here before so just be more careful son"

Sir yes sir! haha

The no inspections were never in my town, the cops there didn't care about that, it was speeders, people drinking, and causing trouble.

I've also gotten into shit for causing trouble, grafitti and stuff like that. Just got a bunch of fines for it, don't and won't do it anymore. Not my cup of tea.

02-22-2007, 11:35 AM
Once I ran a red light, nearly clipped the rear of a jeep, swerved to avoid it and ran up on the sidewalk.

The cop was approaching the intersection as I passed her, we made eye contact. Im sure she could see the look of panic and sheer terror in my eyes, so she didnt even stop me. She wouldve had to buss a U to get me anyway, but I'm sure the look on my face was enough for her. I was shook.

Wasnt my fault, the girl I had in the car was running her mouth blah blah blah. I wasnt paying attention to the road. I remember thinking "hmmm...wonder why everyone's stopped right heROOOOOOOSHIT"

02-22-2007, 11:36 AM
Got pulled for exhibition of speed and reckless driving. Didn't even get a warning.

02-22-2007, 11:42 AM
Got a dui.
month after i was out got pulled over for speeding (i had a few beers too) he could smell them...as I was about to blow in the sensor, I said a few magic words...was on my way

02-22-2007, 02:08 PM
ive never gotten away. i passed in a no passing zone. OMFG PIGS TRYING TO BRING US TUNERS DOWN! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Mike Lowrey
02-22-2007, 02:15 PM
Reckless driving, speeding, and cutting of the officer.... :ninja:

02-22-2007, 03:01 PM
Reckless driving, speeding, and cutting of the officer.... :ninja:
I bet that went over well.

02-22-2007, 03:14 PM
Got a dui.
month after i was out got pulled over for speeding (i had a few beers too) he could smell them...as I was about to blow in the sensor, I said a few magic words...was on my way

02-22-2007, 03:18 PM
speeding 3x the speed limit, street racing, reckless driving, peeling out (although isnt that part of reckless driving?) all at one time. He let me go with nothing, nice fella.

02-22-2007, 03:52 PM
i got busted for street racing on dec 23. so me and the other guy who got busted had to spend christmas eve in jail and got our cars inpounded. the sons of bitches who towed my car stole my ATL hat and spilt a smoothie all over my carpet, so my car the next day smelt like shit and rank bannans

02-22-2007, 04:09 PM
street drifting... i was ass out around a corner in the rain when a cop pulled behind me

02-22-2007, 09:28 PM
last saturday me and some friends got pulled over. cop said if he was going to call the k-9 unit, so the driver was like ' alright, we dont have any drugs, but we have paraphernalia.' and the cop said 'well, i just got on. and i dont feel like dealing with this shit. consider this your lucky saturday.'. and he let us go without even breaking the bowl.

02-22-2007, 09:29 PM

but i was sober

i guess its a crime to drive the speed limit at night :rolleyes:

02-22-2007, 09:34 PM
wreckless driving
drag racing on a public street

all in one quota time

02-22-2007, 09:43 PM
I've only been pulled over once, and I got a ticket that time. It was back when I had my 240sx. I was driving home from school and some guy in one of those large Chrysler coupes weaved through traffic and passed me really fast. Well, I get in the turn lane and wait for the light to turn green, which takes about two minutes, and then as soon as I turn, the cop pulled me over. He ticketed me for 72 in a 45, even though I was going the speed limit - I never go more than 5 over. I still think it was bogus, that he couldn't see the guy that passed me so he pulled me over.

02-22-2007, 11:22 PM
i got busted for street racing on dec 23. so me and the other guy who got busted had to spend christmas eve in jail and got our cars inpounded. the sons of bitches who towed my car stole my ATL hat and spilt a smoothie all over my carpet, so my car the next day smelt like shit and rank bannans

That had to suck ass... really...

I was pulled over for passing a whole group of cars at a red light in the right turn lane. Going about 80.. I really don't know why I did it. Thought I had a cool new trick to get a head of the traffic when I was 16. I also had a nice quarter sack under my cd player in the little cubby hole. I got pulled over and he instantly pulled me out of the car, hand cuffed me and cussed at me the whole time "You think that shit's funny BOY!?!" spittin on me and shit. "You could fukn kill someone! Mind if I search the car"
I was scared, I just told him yeah. He searched the whole car... dumped my glove box out. The bag was sittin out in the damn open under my damn cd player with a cd on top of it. He looked everywhere but there. I was sittin there ready to cry on the hood when he come around there and started cussin again.. took my license and checked it, come back.. he uncuffed me and told me to get the fuck home right now. It was really hard for me to walk after that.. I was ready to throw up.

Lucky DAWG
02-22-2007, 11:39 PM
well this was last july or august of i think two summers ago... maybe last one i lose track of time these days.

but i was in my friend's jimmy and we were fucking with a rice burner going down barrett as we turn off of Dallas highway, its some extremely riced looking civic and there is another one exactly like it, same color, mods, etc.

so we are playin around with him weaving through traffic at 80 down the road. we get up to a light and hes acting like a hardass so my friend is taunting him and throws a blank cd at his car. so he continues to be like "wtf dude, i'm gonna beat your ass"... naturally i'm like whatever screw you too, theres 5 of us and 2 of them. we get up to the next light and we pull out a smoke bomb and light it and throw it at his car, this is right in front of the carmax on barrett mind you.

so he gets out and comes over and starts kicking our car. NOW i'm scared lol. we tell the kid driving to pull of to the left and get the hell outta here but he instead drives up in front of him because he is a moron stoner and we go around the steak and shake a few times trying to shake them. we hide in a shoe store for awhile then sit at a starbucks. we see 6 cop cars go by and the 2 civics are posted up on a hill down the road.

we're like no way that is for us... no way... we only threw a smoke bomb. so we go back home through some back roads and see 5 other cars pass us. now we are getting very scared. we get a call from the police that tracked the plate to the home # and got one of the kid's cells from the parents.

we have 10 minutes to be at precinct 2 next to cowboys with our parents or we are automatically going straight to jail. i was about to piss myself at this point. so we go there and go through all of this interrogation and the works.

long story short heres what the police heard... the guy who called in what we did said there was a

BOMB THAT HAD GONE OFF... not a smoke bomb... a BOMB

so turns out they shut down barrett that night for 2 hours and had a bomb squad out there and ambulances all for nothing and helicoptors and stuff. we all got on the news but only the driver had his face on there because the rest of us were minors.

i ended up only having to pay 25$ to have the cops chase me with no community service, two kids in the car who were 17+ had to pay a few hundred and do community service though.

it was funny how overblown that got

Lucky DAWG
02-22-2007, 11:44 PM
i felt inspired to write that bc i just got a citation for 17 over tonight over in woodstock... court date is june 4th

boy i fucking hate woodstock
could there be more cops poaching?

02-23-2007, 12:24 AM
Umm. 30 Over on 316. I was doing 100 and I slow down to 85 and the cop caught me doing 85 in a 55. Lost my license for 6 Months and had to pay like $251.
But I got my license back now. =]

02-23-2007, 01:00 AM

02-23-2007, 06:57 AM
well this was last july or august of i think two summers ago... maybe last one i lose track of time these days.

but i was in my friend's jimmy and we were fucking with a rice burner going down barrett as we turn off of Dallas highway, its some extremely riced looking civic and there is another one exactly like it, same color, mods, etc.

so we are playin around with him weaving through traffic at 80 down the road. we get up to a light and hes acting like a hardass so my friend is taunting him and throws a blank cd at his car. so he continues to be like "wtf dude, i'm gonna beat your ass"... naturally i'm like whatever screw you too, theres 5 of us and 2 of them. we get up to the next light and we pull out a smoke bomb and light it and throw it at his car, this is right in front of the carmax on barrett mind you.

so he gets out and comes over and starts kicking our car. NOW i'm scared lol. we tell the kid driving to pull of to the left and get the hell outta here but he instead drives up in front of him because he is a moron stoner and we go around the steak and shake a few times trying to shake them. we hide in a shoe store for awhile then sit at a starbucks. we see 6 cop cars go by and the 2 civics are posted up on a hill down the road.

we're like no way that is for us... no way... we only threw a smoke bomb. so we go back home through some back roads and see 5 other cars pass us. now we are getting very scared. we get a call from the police that tracked the plate to the home # and got one of the kid's cells from the parents.

we have 10 minutes to be at precinct 2 next to cowboys with our parents or we are automatically going straight to jail. i was about to piss myself at this point. so we go there and go through all of this interrogation and the works.

long story short heres what the police heard... the guy who called in what we did said there was a

BOMB THAT HAD GONE OFF... not a smoke bomb... a BOMB

so turns out they shut down barrett that night for 2 hours and had a bomb squad out there and ambulances all for nothing and helicoptors and stuff. we all got on the news but only the driver had his face on there because the rest of us were minors.

i ended up only having to pay 25$ to have the cops chase me with no community service, two kids in the car who were 17+ had to pay a few hundred and do community service though.

it was funny how overblown that got

You think that's overblown? Boston went apeshit over 6 pics of Ignigkot. Boston>you

Lucky DAWG
02-24-2007, 01:04 PM
You think that's overblown? Boston went apeshit over 6 pics of Ignigkot. Boston>you

huh :thinking:

02-24-2007, 09:11 PM
huh :thinking:

Boston bomb scare ring a bell?

Lucky DAWG
02-24-2007, 11:43 PM
Boston bomb scare ring a bell?

nope, indulge me

03-19-2007, 11:24 AM
7 nights in Fulton for a 16th of purp (pendin)
Dothan, AL for 2 nights with some fake rolls, 3 real ones, oz of bud and money(charges droped)
Gwinnette with 8th of purp and let go

03-19-2007, 11:28 AM
Fleeing & Eluding
Resisting Arrest
Reckless Driving
Reckless Endangerment
All Charges Dropped

Also, I didn't get really get pulled over per say. I actually got pulled out of my car after I wrecked. Dumbest thing I've ever done in my life.

03-19-2007, 11:29 AM
you get a cookie ran

03-19-2007, 11:31 AM

03-19-2007, 12:55 PM
now that i think of it i was pulled out at gun point on MLK in a rental car a few years ago, they thought i murdered someone. They let me keep my bud and bowl though so its alright

03-19-2007, 01:36 PM
ive gotten off with speeding a couple of times. one time, in high school, i did a burnout in the intersection and a cop saw me, but he was really cool and let me off. and another time i ran the stop sign while turning right to exit my neighborhood and "cut off" the cop in the process. didnt really cut him off though. he was nice and let me off.

03-19-2007, 01:38 PM
Driving naked, and completely slathered in mayoness. Mmmmmmmm

03-19-2007, 01:40 PM
Driving naked, and completely slathered in mayoness. MmmmmmmmWTF? Did you lose a bet or something? :lmao:

03-19-2007, 01:40 PM
oh. and i did attempt to evade/elude once to avoid a speeding ticket. he let me off, but i still got the ticket

03-19-2007, 01:42 PM
WTF? Did you lose a bet or something? :lmao:
no, why? is that weird or something?

03-19-2007, 01:42 PM
Um...yes actually, just a little.

03-19-2007, 01:46 PM
But it feels so right

03-19-2007, 02:02 PM
i wasnt driving...but we were in a truck hot boxing the hell out of it, and a cop pulls us over for running a red light(it turned red like the absolute second we went under it). smoke was pouring out all in his face and to top it off, the driver left his id elsewhere. he just told someone else to drive and let us go without anything at all. GOOD TIMES?

03-19-2007, 02:06 PM
I was gonna tint my windows dark enough I could go through drive-thru's naked...but then they put the law back into effect.

03-19-2007, 02:21 PM
I was gonna tint my windows dark enough I could go through drive-thru's naked...but then they put the law back into effect.
dont be discouraged. i dont get pulled over with my 5% all around.

03-19-2007, 02:24 PM
i was ridin up 85 about to get off the buford hwy exit, i was in my gst eclipse when i got hit for 115 in a 55. it was on july 4th i think in 04. well he just gave me a breathalizer test and then gave me a ticket and sent me on my way

The Yousef
03-19-2007, 02:37 PM
....that one night i ran over that homeless man

03-19-2007, 02:53 PM


03-19-2007, 03:04 PM
On saturday FightClub (Zack) and I were drunk as hell, driving down pleasant hill. We were on our way to meet up with 2 girls we were hanging out with earlier. A cop rolls up beside me at a redlight and tells me to roll my window down. Once I rolled down my window, FightClub and I proceeded to sing "Once upon a time I was falling in love" (the song was blaring on my radio) to the cop. He started laughing his ass off, and told us that he was going to pull me over for not having a tag light, but because he got a song out of it, he was letting us go.

The gayest momet of my life, saved my liscense.

03-19-2007, 03:07 PM
The gayest momet of my life, saved my liscense.

Too bad. Later, QD.

03-19-2007, 03:08 PM
On saturday FightClub (Zack) and I were drunk as hell, driving down pleasant hill. We were on our way to meet up with 2 girls we were hanging out with earlier. A cop rolls up beside me at a redlight and tells me to roll my window down. Once I rolled down my window, FightClub and I proceeded to sing "Once upon a time I was falling in love" (the song was blaring on my radio) to the cop. He started laughing his ass off, and told us that he was going to pull me over for not having a tag light, but because he got a song out of it, he was letting us go.

The gayest momet of my life, saved my liscense.
I knew this story was gay once u mentioned fightclub

03-19-2007, 03:10 PM

03-19-2007, 03:13 PM

03-19-2007, 03:14 PM
I knew this story was gay once u mentioned fightclub

I made it past FightClub. It was the driving "drunk as hell" down the street part that made me wish the dude had hit a tree. Later, QD.

03-19-2007, 03:17 PM
nice post

03-19-2007, 03:19 PM
I made it past FightClub. It was the driving "drunk as hell" down the street part that made me wish the dude had hit a tree. Later, QD.
I agree that was very dumb of them and hopefully they learned their lesson

03-19-2007, 03:20 PM
nice lil image there tiger

way to go sport

03-19-2007, 03:21 PM
nice lil image there tiger

way to go sport
You complete me

03-19-2007, 03:29 PM

03-19-2007, 03:43 PM
heres some interesting stories

1) driving down 75 goin to gordon college in my buddies shitty sunfire he had a taillight out we were smokin a joint of headies and i was sittin in the back and looked to my right and saw a clayton county po off duty in his truck i told my friend who was drivin not to pull in front of him but he was like dude fuck that and whips in front of him and of course he writes down the plate... we go drive thru mickie ds and then get back on the road baked as hell and drive for awhile soon enough theres blueberries in the rearview.. we got pulled over my friends are freakin out although he only had a g and a half smoked joint.. then 2 other cops roll up one a special narcotics task force and a k9 unit then the cop that pulled us over..the take my friend out and tell him that the clayton county cop had called ahead and said there were some kids smokin a joint so they search the car arrest my buddy ridin shotty then give my friend a test for smokin and he passed i got off scotch clean and they knew we were high the whole time

03-19-2007, 03:44 PM
2) got pulled over in roswell for expired tag.. 2 other cops roll up and put spot lights on us line us all up behind my car after they "supposedly" said i didnt have insurance their pos comps messed up we had a quarter and 3 pieces got off with nothing but my car gettin towed

03-19-2007, 03:49 PM
an accord?h ahaha wf slow shit ftl

03-19-2007, 03:51 PM


03-19-2007, 03:52 PM

03-19-2007, 03:56 PM
doing 190,wait no once for accelrating too quickly,nono once at 3am cop said I looked liked a mexican.

03-19-2007, 03:56 PM
heres some interesting stories

1) driving down 75 goin to gordon college in my buddies shitty sunfire he had a taillight out we were smokin a joint of headies and i was sittin in the back and looked to my right and saw a clayton county po off duty in his truck i told my friend who was drivin not to pull in front of him but he was like dude fuck that and whips in front of him and of course he writes down the plate... we go drive thru mickie ds and then get back on the road baked as hell and drive for awhile soon enough theres blueberries in the rearview.. we got pulled over my friends are freakin out although he only had a g and a half smoked joint.. then 2 other cops roll up one a special narcotics task force and a k9 unit then the cop that pulled us over..the take my friend out and tell him that the clayton county cop had called ahead and said there were some kids smokin a joint so they search the car arrest my buddy ridin shotty then give my friend a test for smokin and he passed i got off scotch clean and they knew we were high the whole time

we had a quarter and 3 pieces

Aren't you the cool one. Reps. Later, QD.

03-19-2007, 03:59 PM
haha thats not even the time i got arrested at school got set up by my friends his mom recorded our fone convos and turned them into the police they had been lookin for me for months cause i was labeled as a heavy drug user/dealer and my 4runner was a drug traffickin vehicle fuck the police i spent a day in jail year proby 24 hours community wiped off my record minor in poss of marijuana and alcohol and allowing a minor to drive a car even though his dumbass was 18 and didnt have a license

03-19-2007, 04:04 PM
You seem like a real winner, dude. It must be awesome to be you. Later, QD.

03-19-2007, 04:06 PM
dude dont even try me ur spirit seekers shit is for pussies i was young and stupid yes but so was my entire highschool i was popular and made as n bs the cop even said that reports of most of my highschool smoked in my car n my home life might not be the greatest i just chose the wrong outlet for my anger n shit

03-19-2007, 04:11 PM
Lolol @ you comparing our "extra curricular" activities. You idiot. Later, QD.

03-19-2007, 04:35 PM
One for having a smoked out tag cope pulled me over at midnight. I could tell he was new in his position. I spoke to him and he asked to roll my window trying to check my tint level. I of course lost it bc he was trying to find something wrong with my car. I guess he was bored that night and decided for me to be his pray. He even pulled out the book of rules and shit and pointed were it was illegal to have that tag. I was like OMG bored as hell now he wants to start a conversation too lol. He have me a warning and let me go fucker. BTW he was an ass and thats why I didnt show respec to him. I asked him do you know this police officers and he said yeah good you remember that then. He got angry and said what does that have to do with anything and I said nothing but remember the names lol. Then he said well since your not calaborating I think im going to give you a citation i said good i know judges too. He got angry walked to his car I think called the people i mentioned and said this is a warning have agood night sir lol. It great knowing Chiefs, Sergents, and Judges it helps yall.:goodjob:

03-19-2007, 05:03 PM
Once I ran a red light, nearly clipped the rear of a jeep, swerved to avoid it and ran up on the sidewalk.

The cop was approaching the intersection as I passed her, we made eye contact. Im sure she could see the look of panic and sheer terror in my eyes, so she didnt even stop me. She wouldve had to buss a U to get me anyway, but I'm sure the look on my face was enough for her. I was shook.

Wasnt my fault, the girl I had in the car was running her mouth blah blah blah. I wasnt paying attention to the road. I remember thinking "hmmm...wonder why everyone's stopped right heROOOOOOOSHIT"


03-19-2007, 05:50 PM
haha thats not even the time i got arrested at school got set up by my friends his mom recorded our fone convos and turned them into the police they had been lookin for me for months cause i was labeled as a heavy drug user/dealer and my 4runner was a drug traffickin vehicle fuck the police i spent a day in jail year proby 24 hours community wiped off my record minor in poss of marijuana and alcohol and allowing a minor to drive a car even though his dumbass was 18 and didnt have a license
i think you have smoked a little too much in your time. hell, you can't even form a sentence.

You seem like a real winner, dude. It must be awesome to be you. Later, QD.

03-19-2007, 09:41 PM
i think you have smoked a little too much in your time. hell, you can't even form a sentence.


03-19-2007, 09:50 PM
damn the aim and text messaging !! and its a fuckin forum not my college lit class! i dont really give a fuck

03-19-2007, 09:58 PM
ive been let off countless times. 6 maybe 7.. cant even recall half of them..

one was in my school parking lot when i was in high school.. i backed out of my parking spot, did a J turn, burned out, and peeled out.. i was flying through the parking lot and then got pulled over.. let me off..

my gayest ticket ever was on jimmycarter blvd going east and taking the i85 N ramp.. the gore is like a mile long so i just crossed it and cut off a cop (which i didnt see, was driving a damn stratus).. it was at 2:00 am.. i was going about 90mph but he didnt even say anything about my speed.. got a ticket for driving within the gore, 3 points violation.. :no:

03-19-2007, 10:32 PM
speeding all 10-20mph over i was dumb i know. illegal/modified suspension (air ride) illegal tail lights,window tint,system to loud,flipping cigarette out window,cop could not clock me so he gave me a ticket for illegal exaust,not stopping at a stop sign though i did my truck fit a "profile" not stopping for a school bus that was crap same deal my turck fit a "profile". masking the identity of a vehicle,operating a motor vehicle without registration and with a salvage title. thats all of them prety much i have had more than 15 tickets in 1 year and i dont know how many in my life and honestly it was my car or trucks looks or sound you know the look of he must be doing something illegal to pay for all of that shit. i know you said the worst but they all were i am always harrased maybe i should shut up and just take the ticket?? nah fuck em....

03-19-2007, 10:42 PM
been pulled over twice one for speeding (got a ticket) and second time brake checked a cop cuz he was on my ass. pulled me over and was like " u could have made me crash and kill the both of us" all this shit, yelled at me for bout 20 min. and 2 cops that thatb were just passing by stop and asked why he stopped me and was yelling at me. the cop tells them i braked checked him, the other to cops laughed at his ass and told him to let me go about my business and that the captain was going to hear about this. HAHAHAHAHA stupid ass cop got in trouble and embarrased in front of a civilian lol.

03-19-2007, 10:49 PM
DUI... while completely 100% sober, hadnt had a single damn drop of alcohol that night.

wtf. it was 2am, sure, but he asserted that i was "swerving and driving suspiciously" :jerkit:

Lucky DAWG
03-19-2007, 10:57 PM
been pulled over twice one for speeding (got a ticket) and second time brake checked a cop cuz he was on my ass. pulled me over and was like " u could have made me crash and kill the both of us" all this shit, yelled at me for bout 20 min. and 2 cops that thatb were just passing by stop and asked why he stopped me and was yelling at me. the cop tells them i braked checked him, the other to cops laughed at his ass and told him to let me go about my business and that the captain was going to hear about this. HAHAHAHAHA stupid ass cop got in trouble and embarrased in front of a civilian lol.

you are a dumbass
i wish u had gotten the ticket haha

03-19-2007, 11:00 PM
ive only been pulled over once,so far......i was doin a 53 in 35,it was nice $187 fine

03-19-2007, 11:01 PM
DUI... while completely 100% sober, hadnt had a single damn drop of alcohol that night.

wtf. it was 2am, sure, but he asserted that i was "swerving and driving suspiciously" :jerkit:

did it get droped? what happened?

03-19-2007, 11:04 PM
nah, i should clarify... i didnt actually get a DUI, he just told me he had pulled me over because he was pretty sure I had been drinking. Shined the light in my eyes, smelled my breath, the whole 9 yards. It was a pain in the ass.

He gave me a warning and I almost had to laugh, considering he had NOTHING to warn me for. He did bitch at me for not having my C license yet even though i was 18... so i technically wasnt supposed to be out but he let it go.

03-19-2007, 11:28 PM
Drag racing, racing a cop, 61 in a 25 school zone, eluding police, dui.

03-19-2007, 11:32 PM
61 in a 35 mph zone. (26 over)
didn't lose my license.

03-19-2007, 11:33 PM
racing a cop,
oh, this has got to be good... whats the story?

03-20-2007, 12:05 AM
oh, this has got to be good... whats the story?

I did not get a ticket for it but this is how it went down. I just got back into school after being a drop out for a few years, I was trying to do good in school and I got a bad test grade. I was pissed, not because of the score but more like " you will always be a dumbass, and continue to fail in life". So at that moment I did not give a shit anymore on my way back from school. My old car was loud loud and There was a cop at the light as I was rolling up to it. I saw the light from the side turn yellow, and saw that his window was rolled down. So I estimated the distance and right as I was approaching, slammed it into second right at the green, right in his ear just to piss him off. Shot off to about 55ish in the 45 and let off. He catches up, gets on my ass, backs off and flips the lights. I knew I deserved what every he threw at me for being an ass/dumbass, but he (black cop) comes up and says that I was trying to race him, I told him I was not and that I dropped it in too of a low gear, which Im sure he thought was bs, so he takes my license and registration sits in his car for a minute, comes back and asks me why I am on probation, I tell him, then I told him I was a dumbass back then, and now was trying to change my life around so I got back into school. He told me thats all he needed to hear, gave me my license and registration back, I apologized for being a dumbass and he told me to stay in school and have a nice day. So then driving home I realized that not all the cops are out to get me, some care more then normal people, and that made me feel alot better about myself, since I was trying. And that trying got me a 3.8gpa by the end of the year.

03-20-2007, 12:16 AM
125 in a 45. Sigman Road in Conyers. 3am. Just got the car running again back in 03' my friend Brandon had an old 300zx turbo. We started as soon as well left the old shop location. We passed the cop that was pulled off in that Machine Works place that does CNC machining. He was there and I was wide open coming around the turn with Brandon trailing back there somewhere. I then started to begin to apply brakes for the stop sign and looked back because I saw the cop on the road but I didn't see any lights behind me. Then Brandon catches up and screams go go go go out his window at the stop sign. I go and by the time I get to the valley area right after BP at Gee's Mill and Sigman I see lights come and he ran the stop sign...by then I am right in from of the Transparent Container Plant thats on the right and my intercooler pipe blows off...I start to slow rapidly and kill the lights in hopes that he doesn't see me turn into East Point Road...I pull in and wait cause thats all that I can do...he pulls up beside me..yea he saw me...he says

Cop:"You know how fast you where going back there?"
Cop:"I just clocked you at 125 in a 45 MPH zone"
Me: ~blank stare..contemplating ditching car and running into woods~
Cop: "Man...just slow down ok?"
Me: ~Blank Confused Stare~
Me:"uhh..Yes Sir!"
Cop:"Have a nice night"
Me:"uhh..yea you too!"

03-20-2007, 07:37 AM
was running late after getting off work to go somewhere. so i was passing multiple cars at once. well about 15 mins outta work i passed 5 cars at once going around a blind curve but the time i got to the last car i was doing over 110, with out slowing i get about 5 car lengths in front of last vehicle and about then i see blue lights. that last vehicle i passed was an off duty cop in an unmarked SUV. he pulls me i play the im late im sorry thing. he tells me he's going somewhere too and play 20 questions with me goes back to his car and makes phone calls (pretending to my brother in law) to ask my work questions. my story checks so he tells me its my lucky night and lets me go. but calls the next few towns to let their sheriffs know i was coming so they could be on the look out for me.