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02-12-2007, 09:10 PM
S13/S14 Cars, running or not running with good body condition.

REASONABLE prices, Im not paying 8000 for no damn S14.5 that does not run or 2000 for a s13 coupe that does not run.

02-12-2007, 10:47 PM
Got a friend selling one, its a 95 s14 SE... I think he want something like $2700... Pm him, Krappy

02-13-2007, 09:03 AM
S13/S14 Cars, running or not running with good body condition.

REASONABLE prices, Im not paying 8000 for no damn S14.5 that does not run or 2000 for a s13 coupe that does not run.

I have a 91 s13 for 2k....i just bought a Pathfinder so 240sx needs to be gone