View Full Version : What matters to you????

06-19-2005, 06:56 AM
Life has its Ups and Downs. Everyone will run into many hurdles in their lifetime. Do you ever sit down and think about things such as who you are? what you want? who you want to be? or where you want to go? No matter what you chose or how you chose to live........ What matters most to you?

I just got thrown a major curveball that has kept me awake for hours thinking about what I need to do to be happy with what I have and who I am..... and the one thing that matters most to me in life is Friends and Family, because no matter what gets put in your path, they will always be there for you to help you through. and I just want to thank all of my friends for being there for me when i needed them.

So...... What matters to you??? What helps you through your hards times?????

06-19-2005, 07:32 AM
dang thats a hard one.... music means so much to me as well as friends/family/spouse....

but i had to choose dreams/goals... because ultimately what i become in life is most important to me.... if i dont persue and reach my goals in life.... i dont think i'd have the life i want, regardless of the people around me.... though at the same thime i know they'd be there to support me the whole way....

......like i said, thats a hard one.

06-19-2005, 08:10 AM
You not posting matters a little. Why don't you go HERE (http://boards.lifetimetv.com/) and post that crap. Later, QD.

06-19-2005, 09:22 AM
lol qd

but my family matters the most to me...then my car

06-19-2005, 12:12 PM
My family matters most to me. My wife for hanging in there for me, while I am away. My sons, I have little time with them, but they are my driving force. My 1st son is 5, I have been able to spend about 2 years with him, due to Army deployments and assignments. My other son, 8 months, is soon to be without me for a year. They are why I do what I do. I want them to have the same opportunities and a great future. My family hands down is the most important thing to me.

06-19-2005, 12:30 PM
I clicked all of them

06-19-2005, 06:53 PM
i put other.... alcohol

06-19-2005, 09:31 PM
1) family= the one people that will love you for who you are regardless of how good or bad things get. your still family and real families dont abandon their members.

2) friends= true friends are just like family. plus they will tell you if your fucking up. not to be negative, but to help you get on track if you fall off.

3) career. i read a quote from George Bernard Shaw saying: "life is not about finding yourself, its about creating yourself." i thought that was the most powerful statement i've been exposed to. i spent my time pursuing things for money, not what i liked. i've been in the military(that's more about the guy next to you than the money), i've been in the tech field(now that was about the money) and various other lines of work. the one thing i realized is that of all the things i've done in life. they were not for personal fulfillment, just money(i.e greed). i was asked a question by an old man a couple years ago that changed my mode of thinking. he asked me "if you could do anything for free and be happy what would you do?" i thought over that for a while till it hit me,literally, it was a chevy dually on I-85. i got out looked at the car (which was crumpled) and there was the light bulb. so at the end of august i'm going to houston to pursue auto collision and refinishing/ high performance engines. i realized if i had the knowledge and the tools i'd rather spend all my days in my garage making my car into what i see in my head. i've never looked at things just from what they are now, if i see a stock car truck motorcycle, i get a complete picture in my head of what it can look like, done tastefully. now i just gotta get the knowledge and tools to make it happen.

4) spouse= that's the person that your with not just for physical reasons, but there is supposed to be a connection to your souls. this person is very important. they are strong when your weak, they dry your eyes when you cry. they find it actually finny when they hear your jokes, because they understand your sense of humor. and they are just like #1 &#2. very important.

5) dreams and goals are tied to career mostly. important.
6) self motivation is what makes us move. it the people in the world werent motivated we'd die. simply cause if your not motivated, hunger wouldnt motivate you to find some food. or even get it from the fridge.

06-19-2005, 09:34 PM
well...there is family and friends for sure...

then the occasional sex...thats always great!...lol :)

06-20-2005, 12:04 AM
i would definitely say that my dreams and goals have more of an affect on me than anything else....except for my girl of course....

i want to drag race top fuel and that is something ive always wanted to do and i hope by the time im ...idk...30 i hope to be at least racing super stock or pro stock. that is one of the 2 things that keep me going every day.

..... and id like to have my own shop customizing cars and building hot rods/ custom rides.... but id say thats secondary to racing....


06-20-2005, 12:14 AM
isn't ur spouse a part of your family??:confused:

06-20-2005, 12:19 AM
guess your right. they are like buying a 4 bedroom house and adding a fifth later. so yeah they are.

06-20-2005, 12:42 AM
yup yup