View Full Version : Can Anyone photoshot this picture?

02-06-2007, 12:45 PM
I want to see if anyone can photoshop this picture. I dont have photoshop so there's no way i can do this any info/help would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to see the car either completely "Si Blue", or blue with the kit black, or the whole car blue with just the hood, trunk, and spoiler black. Thanks in advanced.

The Ninja
02-06-2007, 04:09 PM
Best I could do without warming up....


The Ninja
02-06-2007, 07:53 PM
damn, no reps for my hard work?

02-06-2007, 09:18 PM
best i could do

02-06-2007, 11:44 PM
best i could do
Preciate the effort. Looks weird but may work.

02-07-2007, 07:25 AM
I'll give it a shot...though I need to re-install photoshop.

I had to reformat.

02-07-2007, 12:52 PM
I'll give it a shot...though I need to re-install photoshop.

I had to reformat.

Cool preciate it.