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01-22-2007, 11:57 AM
This is a serious question for those who are married or in a serious relationship...

So I know a couple who is married with 2 kids, one day the father comes home and tells his wife he is not in love with her anymore and he just can't be with her (summer 06). They at first try to work through their problems, but its just not there to fix. When your not in love your just not in love, and its not right to be together for the kids. It does come to light that the father is not longer in love with his wife but in love with another woman (a neighbor). He is now looked upon as a cheater; he has broken up his marriage for this woman. The wife consults in many friends/family including her in-laws that are appalled at their son's actions. She even consults her husbands best friend on what to do she wants to make it work. In Dec he decides to leave the home and go live else where until the divorce is finale and so he can get on with his new life. They call it quits.

Last week it was brought to our attention that this story has a slight twist... a few years back we find out the wife had an affair with someone in her company and the husband stayed with her after it ended. We were taken back by the idea but ok it was in the past. Well that wasn't it... the wife has been messing around with her husband's best friend for quite sometime (he is a neighbor as well), also 2nd man from her work, a younger man has entered the picture recently also since the husband left, and to top it all off she is bringing these men home while their children are asleep. One night one of the gentlemen had to hide as the 5 yr old walked into the bed room.

Here is my thing... the entire time me and many others have been duped by this person and her lies. Making her husband out to be this cheater who went outside of his marriage playing to everyone's hearts, but yet she herself is guilty of far worse. I mean to me at least the husband had enough guts to call it quits, she on the other hand not only has been cheating on him for years with multiple men w/o his knowledge but to top it all off tried to get him to stay with her so they could have their picture perfect family while she is off screwing these other men he doesn't know about (including screwing his best friend).

What would you do knowing such information? I'm not one to try to get into others business specially like this, but I think for the children's sake he needs to know she is bringing multiple men home while his children are asleep in the next room. Personally I think they both have some serious issues and she is royally messed up.... and that neighbor hood sounds like a swingers party; everyone is sleeping around! Would you want to know such info if you were the husband? And if you knew this info would you tell him?

01-22-2007, 12:07 PM
Paul i need directions to this neighborhood lol


but seriously if it was me, i would have kicked the bitch out the first time...once a cheater, always a cheater

01-22-2007, 12:08 PM
If I were him, I would definitely want to know if my ex was bringing streamloads of men around my children. Does she have full custody or is it joint? If he at least has joint custody to the children, then he has every right to know what is going on in their lives. I think I would just tell him straight up.

01-22-2007, 12:11 PM
^ they aren't even divorced yet; he just moved out of their home last month

01-22-2007, 12:13 PM
^ they aren't even divorced yet; he just moved out of their home last month

Oh ok... I must have missed that part. But in that case... I would 100% tell him. No Doubt.

01-22-2007, 12:19 PM
I think he needs to be made aware of it, for a few reasons. First because his BEST FRIEND is sleeping with her, that is just a unwritten code with men, You dont mess with your friends girls, Thats as low as what she is doing. People who mess with guys girls are lower than scum to me.

He needs to be aware also because he has a right to know who is wife really is and what she was doing, and come time for the divorce she will try and take him for everything when she herself is doing it on a much worse level, and now risking the kids and thier saftey by having all these men come over that she doesnt even really know.

01-22-2007, 12:20 PM
tell him but just make sure he doesnt go off the hinge and kill her lol

01-22-2007, 12:22 PM
I think he needs to be made aware of it, for a few reasons. First because his BEST FRIEND is sleeping with her, that is just a unwritten code with men, You dont mess with your friends girls, Thats as low as what she is doing. People who mess with guys girls are lower than scum to me.

He needs to be aware also because he has a right to know who is wife really is and what she was doing, and come time for the divorce she will try and take him for everything when she herself is doing it on a much worse level, and now risking the kids and thier saftey by having all these men come over that she doesnt even really know.

exactly! she'll try to take him to the cleaners and pretty soon the kids will be saying "new daddy"

01-22-2007, 12:22 PM
If i new the guy pretty well then i would tell him, but if i didn't i would keep it to myself. Sometimes you may tell a guy his wife/girl is cheating on him and he gets mad at you thinking your just telling a lie. This is a fuked up situation that this guy doesn't even know about and his wife is the real reason the marriage has gone down the drain. If you know the guy really well and your some what of a friend to him, then i say that you should tell him what his wife is doing. Also his wife is a real slut to be sleeping around with all these guy's and whats even worse is that she's bringing them around his kid's. These day's you can't trust anyone that you don't know around your kid's. These are just my thought's on the topic.

01-22-2007, 12:24 PM
Yeah I think you should tell this guy too.. Judging by her history the custody battle, along with all of the other joys of divorce could get ugly. He needs to know what's going on...
And as far as the best friend thing goes... That's a whole nother issue. He needs to know that for sure. I can't imagine getting betrayed by my best friend and my wife like that...

01-22-2007, 12:28 PM
dry snitch on him paul, all the way homey

p.s whats up w/ that dunlop shit oops I mean shoot

holla at me playboy

01-22-2007, 12:30 PM
He should also use the info about her sleeping around with multiple men and bring them around his kid's in the divorce case so he can get costody of the kid's and it will also keep her for talking him for everthing he's got.

01-22-2007, 12:31 PM
:no: if you dont know this guy personaly. i mean like you confide in him like he would you on a serious manner than youhave the choice to say somethin. but if dont know his kids names or anything personal about him besides what his wife is doing.....dont say anything. that is his household and he will find out soon or later. he mite already know whats going on and doesnt want to deal with it. you dont know this mans thoughts. he mite be already trying to do somthing about it.

if you really want to say somthing to him about it. right a letter stating what you know and how you know for a fact instead of he say she say and tell him he needs to check things out on his own. like test his wife to see if you were telling the truth. i would NOT put a name to the letter. you never know what that man thinks of pple and his family or what he thinks about you.

just my :2cents:

01-22-2007, 12:36 PM
ooh and to add yeas i would like to know if my husband was cheating on me but there are so many pple in this world you can believe. pple lie about everything and will do anything to fuck up pples lives. misery loves company. thats why i said you mite want to tell him in a letter or something.

01-22-2007, 12:49 PM
well i know the guy but not like we hang out and are buddy/buddy level... i think i am going to send him a letter addressed with no info; that is the easist method. then he can use it as he sees fit.

i just wondered what you guys thought... personally if i was duped along with many other people by his wife making us all think he is a cheating a-hole i probably would of disregarded it, but since she lied to all of us for sympathy card; she deserves to have her skeletons out of the closet.


ricky i haven't heard back from dunlop yet; i need to get in touch w/ the guy i would use some as well ;)

01-22-2007, 12:57 PM
have cheaters bust in on the house when she's got a guy over :lmao: :goodjob:

01-22-2007, 12:57 PM
well i know the guy but not like we hang out and are buddy/buddy level... i think i am going to send him a letter addressed with no info; that is the easist method. then he can use it as he sees fit.

i just wondered what you guys thought... personally if i was duped along with many other people by his wife making us all think he is a cheating a-hole i probably would of disregarded it, but since she lied to all of us for sympathy card; she deserves to have her skeletons out of the closet.

:yes: :yes: good choice......i hope that will brings to light wither she is lying or telling the truth. and if he finds out and doesnt do anything about it...THATS HIS LIFE let him deal with it. you cant control others decisions even when they are wrong. you made the letter and leave it at that. thats all you can do. hes not your friend or family. nahmean?

01-22-2007, 12:58 PM
but just know....you still are getting into someone elses business. alot of pple wouldnt go that far. so be descreet because you may get involved.

01-22-2007, 12:58 PM
This is a serious question for those who are married or in a serious relationship...

So I know a couple who is married with 2 kids, one day the father comes home and tells his wife he is not in love with her anymore and he just can't be with her (summer 06). They at first try to work through their problems, but its just not there to fix. When your not in love your just not in love, and its not right to be together for the kids. It does come to light that the father is not longer in love with his wife but in love with another woman (a neighbor). He is now looked upon as a cheater; he has broken up his marriage for this woman. The wife consults in many friends/family including her in-laws that are appalled at their son's actions. She even consults her husbands best friend on what to do she wants to make it work. In Dec he decides to leave the home and go live else where until the divorce is finale and so he can get on with his new life. They call it quits.

Last week it was brought to our attention that this story has a slight twist... a few years back we find out the wife had an affair with someone in her company and the husband stayed with her after it ended. We were taken back by the idea but ok it was in the past. Well that wasn't it... the wife has been messing around with her husband's best friend for quite sometime (he is a neighbor as well), also 2nd man from her work, a younger man has entered the picture recently also since the husband left, and to top it all off she is bringing these men home while their children are asleep. One night one of the gentlemen had to hide as the 5 yr old walked into the bed room.

Here is my thing... the entire time me and many others have been duped by this person and her lies. Making her husband out to be this cheater who went outside of his marriage playing to everyone's hearts, but yet she herself is guilty of far worse. I mean to me at least the husband had enough guts to call it quits, she on the other hand not only has been cheating on him for years with multiple men w/o his knowledge but to top it all off tried to get him to stay with her so they could have their picture perfect family while she is off screwing these other men he doesn't know about (including screwing his best friend).

What would you do knowing such information? I'm not one to try to get into others business specially like this, but I think for the children's sake he needs to know she is bringing multiple men home while his children are asleep in the next room. Personally I think they both have some serious issues and she is royally messed up.... and that neighbor hood sounds like a swingers party; everyone is sleeping around! Would you want to know such info if you were the husband? And if you knew this info would you tell him?

man when i read shit like this it makes me never want to get married.. i dont see anything that bad with sleeping around but doing it when your married is really fucked up. i can not and would not stand for that shit. this makes it seem like when u get married it doesnt mean shit anymore.. its a fucking vow people ya know?

01-22-2007, 01:01 PM
man when i read shit like this it makes me never want to get married.. i dont see anything that bad with sleeping around but doing it when your married is really fucked up. i can not and would not stand for that shit. this makes it seem like when u get married it doesnt mean shit anymore.. its a fucking vow people ya know?

pple get married for reasons these days and it aint because of love and devotion.

its the slang word ( if youve ever heard it) " a situation" im in. rather tahnim married to my wife of husband , and even then these dayas it dont meant much after the first couple of months or the 1st year

01-22-2007, 01:07 PM
but just know....you still are getting into someone elses business. alot of pple wouldnt go that far. so be descreet because you may get involved.

i totally know i am but you know what... this time i think its worth it... b/c since everyone is convienced he is the bad guy she will do the same with the judge/lawyers about the divorce and i think she deserves to have her lies on the table with his. beyond blame; the kids... i'm sorry but if my kids were walking in on my WIFE (still his wife) banging my best friend i would be irate!!! specially if we weren't divorced. whats messed up is all of the children involved... all of these people are in their 30's and all of them have kids!!! that is messed up.

01-22-2007, 01:14 PM
ricky i haven't heard back from dunlop yet; i need to get in touch w/ the guy i would use some as well ;)

Your still waiting on word for me to right? :)

01-22-2007, 01:19 PM
tell him before the divorce is final or this chump is gonna get fucked.

01-22-2007, 01:22 PM
Depends on how close I am to the person. If Im not real close I would just say that rumors about her are surfacing and strongly suggest he hire a P.I. to check her out.

01-22-2007, 01:30 PM
Paul, this basically describes my first marriage. My first wife cheated on me for a ,imute and I took her back. Twice. After the second time, I met a female and found out she was wanting the Quick Deez. I did exactly as this other guy did. I left home and waited it out until things were final and then went about my business. Thing is, the first time I took her back, she had dropped me off at work one evening and left and ended up going to meet the same guy she had been with before. She was seen by my best friends. If they hadn't seen her, there's no telling how long it would have been going on before I found out. I found out she was taking our children to the guy's house and everything.

That dude needs to know. What's going on over there at that female's(I use that term loosely) house is too fucked up. Tell him. Later, QD.

01-22-2007, 01:47 PM
Do the kids even look like him?

01-22-2007, 02:06 PM
Do the kids even look like him?

the 5yr old looks just like him, but... i haven't seen the baby enough to know... seriously with this info i would really be wondering ;)

and if you guys want to laugh more... these people aren't just some white trash family; they all live in 500+k neighborhood and are very successful :rolleyes: (it goes to show $ can't buy everything)

01-22-2007, 02:13 PM
the 5yr old looks just like him, but... i haven't seen the baby enough to know... seriously with this info i would really be wondering ;)

and if you guys want to laugh more... these people aren't just some white trash family; they all live in 500+k neighborhood and are very successful :rolleyes: (it goes to show $ can't buy everything)

LIRL are they related to the sugarloaf hoe bags?? LOLOL

hmmm...i might have to start doing lawn service part time again...

01-22-2007, 02:13 PM
Tell him man, and maybe even post pics of the wife up for us to see :D

01-22-2007, 02:31 PM
Tell him man, and maybe even post pics of the wife up for us to see :D


im surprised actually to see the poll be 100%....

01-22-2007, 02:44 PM

im surprised actually to see the poll be 100%....

i know right bunch of h8ters in here :lmfao:

01-22-2007, 02:46 PM
:lmfao: We just know DRAMA and we know this will stir some good drama, to bad they arent on IA so we could pull up a chair and watch :lmfao:

01-22-2007, 02:49 PM
:lmfao: We just know DRAMA and we know this will stir some good drama, to bad they arent on IA so we could pull up a chair and watch :lmfao:

With the amount of guys she's fucking with, I'm sure at least one of them is on this Website. :yes:

Now let the drama begin....

01-22-2007, 02:51 PM
With the amount of guys she's fucking with, I'm sure at least one of them is on this Website. :yes:

Now let the drama begin....

dude i wouldn't be surprised!!!! :no:

our motto for 2007 should be "THE INTERNET IS A DIRTY PLACE WEAR YOUR RUBBER!" :police:

01-22-2007, 02:52 PM
... especially when talking to IA girls :D

01-22-2007, 02:54 PM
Lol, IP addy search to match that address???

01-22-2007, 02:55 PM
dude i wouldn't be surprised!!!! :no:

our motto for 2007 should be "THE INTERNET IS A DIRTY PLACE WEAR YOUR RUBBER!" :police:

damn i need PS at work...i just found on of those nuke clean up crew guys LIRL...ill BRB

01-22-2007, 03:02 PM

01-22-2007, 03:13 PM
I would tell the poor guy. I had a similar issue with my ex-wife that involved a friend or 2. She told me herself which was very hurtful to say the least.

01-22-2007, 03:25 PM


01-22-2007, 04:22 PM

lirl shit im bout to dl PS on my work comp and use the other pic i wanted lol

01-23-2007, 10:12 AM
i totally know i am but you know what... this time i think its worth it... b/c since everyone is convienced he is the bad guy she will do the same with the judge/lawyers about the divorce and i think she deserves to have her lies on the table with his. beyond blame; the kids... i'm sorry but if my kids were walking in on my WIFE (still his wife) banging my best friend i would be irate!!! specially if we weren't divorced. whats messed up is all of the children involved... all of these people are in their 30's and all of them have kids!!! that is messed up.

yea...i understand. you still making someone elses life your business but i understand. if you feel strong about this. i agree with you to speak up. i would do the same if someone was being beatin or cheated on extremely bad like that guy. just make sure he makes his own decision w/o you freaking him out telling him he needs to let her go. give him the opportunity to feel out whats going on in his house. YOU NEVER KNOW he may already know. and hes allowing it becuase he doesnt know what to do or is stuck in his relationship for a reason. pple have some fucked up reasons why they together.

01-23-2007, 10:20 AM
I would definitely let the husband know of this situation....

01-24-2007, 04:34 PM

01-24-2007, 04:39 PM
im going to feel bad though when i hear "angry husband kills cheating wife" on the news...

01-24-2007, 05:29 PM
simply put.

1) whoop the best friends ass

2) kick the bitch to the curb

3) is sole custody isnt granted, then definately joint, and with the kids at his house to start.

4) snap on the hoe, for tryin to continue to play him for a fool and trying to defame his character for mannin up an telling her " well.....u know what? this aint gonna work, i'm just bein real." which he prolly got that way after the FIRST TIME he caught her ass SUCKIN THE NEXT NINJA DICK(ONYX y'all, i know the old heads know what i'm tom 'bout!!)

01-24-2007, 05:55 PM
but on the real.
let dude know 'cause this shit reminds me of the loony toon i fucked with /dropped 'cause i knew it wasnt goin no where. i dump her and this broad goes around ATLANTA...no lie...while i was fuckin wit her if i called her from any number that wasnt my cell? she wrote that shit down for realz...i didnt find that shit out til i jettisoned her ass and folks that i knew started callin me talking about:

"yo dawg....what ya girl doin callin my crib yo? "

i'm like "who?"

"dont know, some chick called J-----A, sayin how you fucked her over, dumped her and how you aint no good, dont hang wit that ninja...."

my boys knew who she was, didnt like the chick too well, upon realizing she had mental issues. plus the fact that before she got with me, i found out she was the company pussy provider(officer i got kool with @ her job told me he had something for me, which ended up being a cctv tape of her blowin a guard in the parkin deck, not even 2 weeks before meetin me for the first time.) he said he had to do it 'cause i seemed too cool of a person to let just mess with her w/o knowing the drill on her.
thanked him but wanted to slap him cause i didnt meet dude til like almost 8months later!!

all subsequent STD TESTS have come out NEGATIVE!!!
Poundage Provider INC. is still open for business!
*end disclaimer*

let dude know what's on dawg. who does he have if his best friends fuckin his WIFE, she's turned al his folks against him and who knows for HOW LONG?

i'm sayin, this chick called everybody I MEAN EVERYBODY DAMN NEAR THAT I KNEW(tasuki/btec/clues, ask jamal about the crazy chick i fucked with and watch his facial expression)
this chick called dmy "brothers" DAD(whom i did refer her to 'cause she wanted to buy a house, he's an agent, he got paid...I got paid!) puttin me on blast!