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View Full Version : You know you love your s13 when.......

01-16-2007, 01:39 AM
Some of you prolly seen this already but for those that didnt

You know you drive an s13 when:
1)Theres a pool of coolant under your car.
2) You can see yellow sponge poking from your drivers side left side support.
3) Your cigarette lighter has popped out.
4) You burn 4 quarts of oil in a month.
5) You dump the clutch in the middle of a turn to kick out the back.
6) Your motor cost more then your car.
7) In some cases, the outfit you're wearing cost more then your car.
8 ) You dream about a new paint job.
9) You take off ramps at 65mph
10) You spend hours a day on a Nissan board.
11) You feel nostalgic when you see a 280z on the road, in a "younger-brother" kind of way.
12) Driving in 105 degree weather with 100umidity with no air conditioning no longer bothers you.
13) You have mastered the "drink between the thighs" technique, or "shifting with one hand, holding drink with other.. who the hell is steering" technique.
14) you take out the ash try and use it as a cup holder
15) that rectangular black cover above ur ash try and next to the cigerette lighter is missing
16) your driving and u hear a rattle because something is loose
17) You mistake probe headlights for 240 headlights at night time.
18 ) Timing chain rattle no longer bothers you.
19) You are often stuck in other people's cars b/c you forget to take your seat belt off.
20) You actually know what an S13 is and why people refer to it as an S13.
21) You've contemplated such engine setups as: SR20DET, CA18DET, RB20DET, RB25DET, KA24DET, or RB26DETT with an RB25DET transmission.
22) You've been asked 100 times or more if you have the SR20DET or if you're goning to swap it in.
23) If you understand what "pignose" means and what year it was used on the S13.
24) If you know what Super Hicas is.
24) If you understand why someone would spend $400 on something called "Kouki tail lights".
25) If you've grown to love pop up headlights.
26) You feel embarrassed when you do a burnout because there's only one mark.
27) You hate 4 lug on a rear-wheel-drive because of offsets.
28 ) You dont mind dents and dings because it gives you the "drifter" look.
29) Unsuspecting Civic drivers have crashed trying to follow you onto an onramp.
30) You can't wait till your KA blows as an excuse for an engine swap.
31) You fear driving in the rain.
32) You think you're a badass in your $2000 car.
33) You're happy of the fact that your S13 didn't come with any options because it's lighter.
34) You get yelled at by your girlfriend because you spend too much time on your car
35) Everyone who sits in the passenger seat gets told, grab the door, don't stick your hands in the seatbelt groove (fastback only).
36) You've answered "sort of" to the question "do you have a back seat?"
37) Honda drivers think you're a v6 because you beat them so bad.
38 ) People don't understand how you feel about your S13. They ask you why when you spend so much time with it or bring it up often in conversation. You're glad they dont understand, they dont deserve an S13!
39) People think your headlights are broken because you set them in sleepy-eye position.
40) You tailgate Porsches through exit/entrance ramps.
41) You have back pains for the rest of the day after driving for 10 minutes.
42) You find yourself staring at empty parking lot daydreaming...
43) You know what sleepy-eyes are.
44) You dream about SR and RB swaps constantly.
45) You know what number 44 means.
46) You can't wait till it rains so you can drift around every turn without attracting attention to yourself.
47) You used to start getting out of your car before the automatic seatbelt had retracted, and almost choked to death.
48 ) Lifters are tapping like crazy, but you just don't care anymore.
49) Your gas cap's door doesn't latch, and you hold it shut using tape or a zip tie that you can pull from inside your trunk.
50) When you put the car in neutral to slow down your eyes become fixed on the tach and you pray it doesnt die.
51) You NEVER want to sell your S13.
52) You've thought about cutting the stupid tow hook off to save your exhaust from getting jacked up.
53) Your check engine light plays peek-a-boo with you.
54) There is always something rattling.
55) You see a pink car, and your only thought is "Yashio Factory", not Mary Kay.
56) You know no one in America makes Euro tails for it.
57) You talk about mods and parts of your car and all your non-S13 owning friends look at you with a very confused look on their faces.
58 ) You think about beating all those fast cars in the mountain passes, then remember that you have no mountain passes.
59) You find yourself swearing profusely at your car when you hit the fuel cutoff in 4th gear.
60) You get upset when people call your fastback a Silvia (or see a fastback with a Silvia badge).
61) You concentrate more on the tachometer than on the speedometer.
62) You start to send this thread to all the friends that have been in your car!
63) The dents on a 240sx aren't just dents, they are known as "battle scars" while drifting.
64) The more damage to the exterior of the car, the crazier it looks.
65) You look at someone funny for not knowing what Initial D is.
66) Every time it rains, you must go for a random drive.
67) When all but fifty dollars of your paycheck goes towards buying something for your car, and the remaining 50 dollars is used to buy gas and food.
68 ) Rainy days no longer make you depressed, you look forward to them.
69) You start to look at probes and smile, and when they slowly drive past you, you realize the truth, and you frown.
70) You work at burger king and someone drives up in a 240sx and you give them a free large size drink.
71) Magically the number 240 shows up everywhere in your daily life.
72) You watched the Drift Bible, and when the Drift King said the S13 had understeering problems, you took offence.
73) You go to get gas, and you hear 30 seconds worth of hissing from the gas cap.
74) Your gas guage reads WAYYYYYYY below E but your car keeps on running.
75) You've thought about Silvia front, but then decided you like your chuki front, but then again, the Silvia front looks nice in person, but then again....
76) You hate going through car washes because you know your car will scrape the rails, but you do it anyways because you're too lazy to wash the car yourself.
77) Your passengers get pissed at you every single time they hop out of the car, because the auto seatbelts end up clocking them in the head when they get out.
78 ) People ask you when you will be done modifying your car, and the answer is always "Never."
79) You tell your friends you wish you had an extra $25000 to "finish" your car and they all look at you like you're an idiot.
80) When you see an AE86, you say to your female friends, "That's a nice car," and they look at you like you're a complete idiot.
81) When you apologize to your car after a spirited driving session, or after doing something stupid.
82) You jump out of bed in the morning countersteering from your earlier dream.
83) You never put more than 5 bucks of gas at a time....
84) You drive with the windows down on the freeway to drown out the whistles/groans/rattles/etc.
85) You have a dead bird stuck against your radiator.
86) You look at empty parking lots and see a beautiful work of art.
87) The domestic guys at school like the sound of your engine.
88 ) "Just going out to fill your tank" becomes a 2 hour affair of filling your tank, driving till it's empty, then refilling it again and driving home.
89) All of your friends are getting 18" wheels, and you just want a set of factory 7-spokes.
90) Civic owners fear you.
91) your turn signal lever is now covered with a mysterious white film
92)while everyone is looking at you like your car's broken, you feel proud that your car a making really loud CLUNKS and CLICKS while you drive around a packed parking lot (2 way LSD)
93) when your drifting u slide farther in your seat then your car does in reality and your afraid of fliying out the wind thanks to those good old "Bucket seats" from nissan
94)you use pvc pipes for intake and you use alot of zip ties to keep your front lip on the bumper
95)you like to use worn out tires, cause its easier to kick out on dry weather
96)you love oversteer
97) you have a 6inch pink bubble shift knob w/ a laye
98)You have a crack in your radiator overfill... unless you already removed it.
99) You mop the road with a civic driver, and the guy asks "is that turbo'd?" you say yes for shits and giggles.
100) Emissions centers seem to be conspiring against you.

I thought that shit was funny so I decided to share.

01-16-2007, 02:55 AM
lol....yea it is funny homie....

01-16-2007, 05:48 AM
lmao so many are true too. not selling my car!!! love my baby :)

01-16-2007, 07:04 AM
I guess I love the hell out of my s13

01-16-2007, 09:36 AM
I remember seeing this on freshalloy before.

One of the funniest lists I have ever seen.

01-16-2007, 10:23 AM
everyting sound true. NEVER want to get rid of my car

01-16-2007, 11:07 AM
no doubt i feel the same way ha ha

01-16-2007, 05:42 PM

01-16-2007, 07:52 PM
there are probably only about 20 things that arent true for me on that list. :)

01-16-2007, 08:05 PM
where are my reps at

01-16-2007, 08:13 PM
here :2up: ..... j/k lol

02-02-2007, 01:51 PM
brings a tear to my eye +1

02-02-2007, 11:42 PM
i am feeling almost all of those!! :lmfao:

i'll never sell this car.......matter of fact, i'm selling my acura legend to buy parts for this car!! :lmfao:

02-03-2007, 10:20 PM
I just got mine, but it's already become the "hell no sweetheart, I dont care if it's not running yet I'm not getting rid of it" thing in my garage.

02-05-2007, 02:46 AM
haha nice dude, thats my blog on myspace now

god strike me now for that comment...

02-05-2007, 06:57 PM
Here are some I just came up with.

" When you have spare sets of the grey ALT fuse "

Not being able to resist taking the Alt fuse from wrecked 240's

Not being able to resist taking the Alt fuse from clips

Bottom radiator mounting bushings mysterically vanish when doing a swap.

Having to go threw atleast two gears in neutral before getting it in reverse

The wipers work so well that they dont turn off.

Your ebrake no longer can lock up the wheels while rolling.

When the car in now cooled by the fuel pump fuse.

By saying "no cracks in the dash" is a key advantage over other people selling their 240.

When you now take hot showers in the summertime to cool off.

When you have built a 5ft pile of junk on the side of your house that you call spare parts.

When it takes you 5min to decide whether to keep or through away a random 240 part, eventually putting it aside to decide on latter.

When you see women or old people driving a 240 and think "they dont know what they have"

When you list only engine codes for engines that can be swapped in for 7min.

When you have mesmerized all the colors, what year they came in as well as what color the interior should be.

When someone list a 240 for sale and leaves out the color, then it is safe to say it's burgundy.

If your friend tells you he got a clean 240 for cheap, ask him what color it is. He will answer burgundy.

For some of the earlier 240's interior, Nissan somehow manage to extract the color code out of dried dog shit.

KBB has its own section for 240s equipped with brown interior, which is approximately 1/2 the value of the others.

Missing the plastic piece that goes over the lever to recline your seat.

When body condition has been reclassified: riddled with dings= clean, dents = dings, body damage = dent.

When retaining a clutch fan on a KA to give it that big rig sound.

The leather equipped 240s now give the impression of a bomb going off in the front seats, but the rear stayed show room.

When people selling their 240 take shots of the rear seat in order to "make up" for the rest of the cars interior.

02-06-2007, 12:37 AM
when your headlights are so jdm tyte that the left one goes to an automatic sleepy eye when you try to shut them off

02-16-2007, 09:58 AM
LMAO - I think I only failed on like 10 of those - I bout died laughing. whats horrible is that I had already sent it to like 3 of my friends when I got to the one "you sent this to your friends who have been in your car..."

02-21-2007, 11:42 PM
whats does 44 means?

02-22-2007, 12:31 AM
please tell me you know what and rb or sr is

02-22-2007, 12:41 AM
please tell me you know what and rb or sr is

of course, understand everything on that list beside that number mind filling me in on it?

02-22-2007, 09:14 AM
Most people want to ditch their KA and go with a Sr or rb swap. and when doing so they tend to think of little else. its a big deal to some people. hence "Dreaming of sr and rb's constantly"

02-22-2007, 10:04 AM
hahaha thats great the best ones are
13) You have mastered the "drink between the thighs" technique, or "shifting with one hand, holding drink with other.. who the hell is steering" technique.
14) you take out the ash try and use it as a cup holder
thoose are great

02-22-2007, 08:55 PM
Most people want to ditch their KA and go with a Sr or rb swap. and when doing so they tend to think of little else. its a big deal to some people. hence "Dreaming of sr and rb's constantly"

soo wanting to ditch the KA for sr or rb and forget about other stuff is what 44 is? that damn number been bothering me all day not knowing what it means.

Black R
02-22-2007, 09:06 PM
reps for you!

i :heart: my s13!

02-25-2007, 11:14 PM
#33 FTW. Power nothing on my car, and that's the way I want it.

When someone list a 240 for sale and leaves out the color, then it is safe to say it's burgundy.

If your friend tells you he got a clean 240 for cheap, ask him what color it is. He will answer burgundy.

+1 and quoted for truth.

And I'm not getting rid of my S13.

03-22-2007, 08:04 PM
This is all very true the S-13 is a very ulgy car but I have had mine for 4 years and I would not give it up

03-22-2007, 08:18 PM
"shifting with one hand"

how many hands do u usually shift with?