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  1. This whole Ferguson, MIssouri case....... (15 replies)
  2. My Health Insurance Nightmare - Pay Attention to the Details (37 replies)
  3. "I Wasnt Going To Be a Victim...' (16 replies)
  4. Unemployment down to just 6.3%! (1 replies)
  5. Interesting data (23 replies)
  6. Honor diaries (4 replies)
  7. Kobe Bryant (7 replies)
  9. Goodbye Switzerland, it was fun while it lasted. (26 replies)
  10. What's our El Presidente to do? (84 replies)
  11. Change MY Views... (4 replies)
  12. Change My View (134 replies)
  13. Zimmerman Fight (6 replies)
  14. Life+21 years WTF (14 replies)
  15. NRA movie (14 replies)
  16. The most powerful, introspective interview you've ever seen the Huffington Post do. (13 replies)
  17. DOJ's latest hire. (1 replies)
  18. The Irony of President Obamas speech on UE Benefits (30 replies)
  19. ATTN: Techies, do you think this is constitutional? (0 replies)
  20. 2014 Mid-terms (9 replies)
  21. Judicial watch - 10 most wanted list for corrupt politicians. (1 replies)
  22. Florida drug tests for welfare law is struck down (166 replies)
  23. Manufactured Intelligence (46 replies)
  24. Interesting take on reality... (0 replies)
  25. Chicago town hall meeting to address gun violence (0 replies)
  26. Phil Robertson Fired (145 replies)
  27. Greedy, heartless Wal-Mart customers say no to higher prices (85 replies)
  28. Watch this video and post a response! (62 replies)
  29. GOP reaches budget lead by Paul Ryan .......... (16 replies)
  30. Alabama family angry that their son was shot during robbery. (0 replies)
  31. is this picture a photoshop? (0 replies)
  32. gun control=gun ban. (2 replies)
  33. Chuck Norris ad (17 replies)
  34. Senate Democrats stop filibusters on nominations (19 replies)
  35. Oprah given medal by Obama. (1 replies)
  36. Department of Homeland Security. (2 replies)
  37. Swiss proposing guaranteed minimum income (30 replies)
  38. "Republican wins a long shot" (3 replies)
  39. Could you please stop the world??? I want off. (27 replies)
  40. US Unemployment goes UP, even though 200K Jobs added.......... (54 replies)
  41. Bizarre news story. Hunter mistakenly shoots woman. (0 replies)
  42. Here We Go Again (41 replies)
  43. A "study" from Blackpoliticsontheweb.com (2 replies)
  44. Hypothetical Situation Debate (10 replies)
  45. NSA issues cease and desist letter to T-shirt shop. (8 replies)
  46. "Dont tread on me" (0 replies)
  47. A gift for Sebelius... (0 replies)
  48. Pentagon training manual: (67 replies)
  49. Church sign (8 replies)
  50. US Budget deficit shrinks to $680B (90 replies)
  51. Aliens in Their Own Nation (19 replies)
  52. Mel Watt promoted by Obama (135 replies)
  53. NC GOP Chair resigns after 'Daily Show' Interview (7 replies)
  54. Commercial - NSA "stop watching us" (6 replies)
  55. FEDs Payout Over 20% in Improper EITC Payments.............. (62 replies)
  56. Serious Question for whoever's modding this section. (15 replies)
  57. Obamacare and your premiums. (353 replies)
  58. EBT Glitch (20 replies)
  59. Rand Paul (6 replies)
  60. Government shutdown. (138 replies)
  61. "Military coup in Washington" (1 replies)
  62. "Pastor arrested for burning Quran" (6 replies)
  63. Zimmerman back in trouble. (19 replies)
  64. No act of War OR Impeachment (136 replies)
  65. Education (23 replies)
  66. "whites only" (1 replies)
  67. Then vs now. (1 replies)
  68. Aljazeera (93 replies)
  69. Good news (18 replies)
  70. Racist or no? (20 replies)
  71. 12 Teenagers rape 2 women in park (96 replies)
  72. Labor Endgame (102 replies)
  73. Springfield XDS recall (2 replies)
  74. Apparently Starbucks CEO likes socialism. (59 replies)
  75. Muslim Butcher sued (1 replies)
  76. Just free market small government conservative capitalism... (32 replies)
  77. New Study Shows that Welfare Benefits are Exceeding Minimum Wage Jobs.......Why Work? (116 replies)
  78. Leave it to Atheists to be the ones to stand on morals. (3 replies)
  79. Dekalb school shooting (44 replies)
  80. Egypt (18 replies)
  81. Friday Funnies: Chubby Checker suing HP.... (0 replies)
  82. Jesse Jackson Jr (4 replies)
  83. Oprah (53 replies)
  84. All the political news in one video (0 replies)
  85. "we need more black libertarians" (0 replies)
  86. White guys caught after pulling off robbery (2 replies)
  87. Sad article... even sadder is Fox News' attempt to turn it into propoganda (154 replies)
  88. Attempted robbery of Atlanta Wafflehouse (2 replies)
  89. Alabama (0 replies)
  90. Police (8 replies)
  91. Obama finally supports voter ID (16 replies)
  92. Creepy Cracker on the loose.... AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! (2 replies)
  93. How Muslims handle rape charges. (70 replies)
  94. Gang violence in Georgia (232 replies)
  95. Girl raped and thrown off roof top. (2 replies)
  96. Moody's Input on the US economic status (1 replies)
  97. Tea Party applications directed to Obama appointee (0 replies)
  98. What decades of Democrats being in control will get you... (102 replies)
  99. Poor innocent teenagers (1 replies)
  100. Reaction to the GZ trial- Not trying to discuss the case but......... (204 replies)
  101. Local murder trial (0 replies)
  102. Outrage about bilingual interviews at HR Derby (37 replies)
  103. Ted Nugent (49 replies)
  104. Zimmerman verdict (201 replies)
  105. "Religious protester assaulted at gay pride festival" (48 replies)
  106. Any dog lovers? This dude got his dog shot by the cops just because he was recording (26 replies)
  107. Robbery caught on nanny cam. (5 replies)
  108. Busy week for the SCOTUS. (20 replies)
  109. Thanks Obama (45 replies)
  110. News article - "welfare state" (2 replies)
  111. States Rights. (6 replies)
  112. worth checking them out (0 replies)
  113. Elbert Guillory: "Why I Am a Republican" (7 replies)
  114. Syria Conflict (13 replies)
  115. Restore our Privacy Act (ROPA) (2 replies)
  116. Jesse Peterson (4 replies)
  117. Joe Biden (1 replies)
  118. I guess they will be knocking on my door soon too. (53 replies)
  119. Bill Cosby (184 replies)
  120. Court order to Verizon to turn over mass data to the NSA (92 replies)
  121. Protests/Riots in Turkey (1 replies)
  122. News article - "bloggers 1st amendment rights" (3 replies)
  123. Voter fraud (20 replies)
  124. Honest question.... (0 replies)
  125. News article - "The next war...." (29 replies)
  126. Nobel asks Obama to return peace prize. (57 replies)
  127. News article - " Man charged for firing warning shot at burglar " (46 replies)
  128. News Article - "Higher education scandal" (27 replies)
  129. Breaking Story!!! (10 replies)
  130. British soldier hacked to death after being run over with car (102 replies)
  131. Serious Question regarding Sergios comments about Tiger Woods..... (24 replies)
  132. "Financial success should not be your goal" - Obama (38 replies)
  133. Duh..... (5 replies)
  134. "Obama acts as though we no longer have a constitution" (23 replies)
  135. A very different opinion on these 'scandals' (77 replies)
  136. BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! (2 replies)
  137. News article - "Obama questions..." (6 replies)
  138. The great gun debate: Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware (23 replies)
  139. (Poll) Will Obama finish term? (8 replies)
  140. Israel Attacks Syria (3 replies)
  141. Jeff Foxworthy changes up his act. (50 replies)
  142. News article - "Russia delivers another warning" (2 replies)
  143. Dark Matter (21 replies)
  144. S.C. Outlaws OBAMAcare (11 replies)
  145. When a million isnt enough... (24 replies)
  146. News article - "There's no magical gun database" (4 replies)
  147. News article - "Christianity in the military" (15 replies)
  148. Finally, Obama has a suggestion that would fix America. (13 replies)
  149. GM Denied Raises (0 replies)
  150. One of many news stories that people chose to ignore. (51 replies)
  151. Someone should have punched this guy in the face. (5 replies)
  152. This video took place in america.... in case you were wondering. (47 replies)
  153. Union pulls support for Obamacare, a sign of things to come? (385 replies)
  154. White is the new black. (139 replies)
  155. Bombs rock Boston Marathon (167 replies)
  156. Gun Control Bill (158 replies)
  157. Hostage situation in the ATL as we speak (62 replies)
  158. 4y/o grabs loaded gun at family BBQ, kills sheriff deputy's wife (39 replies)
  159. News article - " Some prison terms too long" (49 replies)
  160. News article - "Obama's 1% lifestyle" (37 replies)
  161. 15 year old girl > Barrack Obama (15 replies)
  162. News article - "Stimulus for correct condom use" (8 replies)
  163. "That will never happen" (28 replies)
  164. What is your take on bitcoins? (13 replies)
  165. Augusta GA Police do not accept food stamps (27 replies)
  166. Gun Ban Bill (13 replies)
  167. Happy Eas......... Cesar Chavez day everyone. (2 replies)
  168. Gay Marriage debate. (229 replies)
  169. News article - "white student union" (40 replies)
  170. Today, T-Mobile did away with all contracts- You're free.. (27 replies)
  171. Dad Shoots His Son While Cleaning Gun (10 replies)
  172. The difference in reporting (0 replies)
  173. Do You Own A Gun? (15 replies)
  174. Political Compass (49 replies)
  175. Question for Christians. (21 replies)
  176. Should U.S. Test N.Korea (31 replies)
  177. Figured you guys would find this funny- DHS checkpoint refusals (147 replies)
  178. Krugman Files Bankruptcy (5 replies)
  179. Sinfix, I think this guy is onto something.. (19 replies)
  180. The current state of healthcare in the US is a joke. (169 replies)
  181. Sequester day is here (37 replies)
  182. Guns and Schools...Fail (6 replies)
  183. Video from local ATL news. (5 replies)
  184. BOOM! (0 replies)
  185. The "Obama phone lady" speaks...... (40 replies)
  186. Just a couple videos. (1 replies)
  187. Observations of the "gun show loophole" (22 replies)
  188. SOTU- I didnt watch but caught 1 sound byte..............$9/hr minimum wage? (87 replies)
  189. Another shooting in the ATL (50 replies)
  190. RIP Chris Kyle (2 replies)
  191. News Article - Warning from someone who witnessed Hitler. (5 replies)
  192. Perfect example of what is wrong with our government. (18 replies)
  193. Shooting at Middle School in Atlanta (90 replies)
  194. Irony rears its ugly head.... (21 replies)
  195. Remember when everyone called Romney a liar? (5 replies)
  196. Defend your right to own a car. (2189 replies)
  197. Looking for the Liberal spin on this (5 replies)
  198. you wonder y there are so many dUI's (19 replies)
  199. obama final decision (11 replies)
  200. Gun Question (114 replies)
  201. Bizarre news story (gun related) (3 replies)
  202. Drug testing and entitlements. (69 replies)
  203. Higher tax crowd, come on in. (77 replies)
  204. Private Car Sale Tax to Begin on March 1st (79 replies)
  205. 7 people shot in columbus new years (13 replies)
  206. Isn't it funny. (2 replies)
  207. "Chicago is the blue print for national gun laws" -Obama (30 replies)
  208. Westboro Baptist Church BAN! (19 replies)
  209. Gum Control (17 replies)
  210. A thought experiment v.2.0 (3 replies)
  211. Let's point fingers & not put the blame where it needs to go. (13 replies)
  212. The internets is being regulated behind closed doors this week. What do you think? (2 replies)
  213. GOP Rejects White House Opening Budget Bid (52 replies)
  214. Toys For Tots (13 replies)
  215. Forbes article "ways to protect yourself against Obamacare" (25 replies)
  216. secession petitions filed in 20 states (65 replies)
  217. Romney hits the hard stuff (0 replies)
  218. Obama won the election? (51 replies)
  219. Programmer testifies to rigging election computers. (1 replies)
  220. What say you? (1 replies)
  221. A video to chew on... (2 replies)
  222. Is this news article telling a lie? (2 replies)
  223. That didn't take long. (8 replies)
  224. Bolivia Set To Banish Coca-Cola To Mark Mayan End Of Capitalism [forbes.com] (3 replies)
  225. Not to sound overly pessimistic, but (1 replies)
  226. My 2 biggest positives from yesterday (16 replies)
  227. ATTN: JDMEK18 (5 replies)
  228. What did we learn after yesterday? Deep Thoughts inside........... (20 replies)
  229. Call his next 4 years... (20 replies)
  230. Legal pot now WTF (3 replies)
  231. Attn: sinfix (20 replies)
  232. Congratulations to our President BARACK OBAMA !!!!!! (120 replies)
  233. Game Over (56 replies)
  234. Hello from the Future (33 replies)
  235. Election Day (19 replies)
  236. Everyone take a moment to give a sigh of relief. (24 replies)
  237. "OBAMA BANNED THIS VIDEO" (6 replies)
  238. Curious to see a lefties response to some of this. (3 replies)
  239. Donald Trump Lying (2 replies)
  240. Jobs Report is out, confirms what I and others have been saying....... (18 replies)
  241. always look into shops.. (1 replies)
  242. Get your...Obama Phones? (87 replies)
  243. Beating a dead horse (About Obama supporters) (35 replies)
  244. "But He had a supermajority for two years" (4 replies)
  245. Benghazi... After today's revalations... (279 replies)
  246. Interesting campaign advertisement (15 replies)
  247. Murder inside a church during a service (6 replies)
  248. Kids Kill Girl over Bike (53 replies)
  249. CRS finds no correlation between top marginal tax rates and economic growth (10 replies)
  250. Dumb 18 year old, and his Ferrari. (30 replies)